Two hunts

Thats right I got stories of to hunts in to different states.
State 1.
two hunters wacthing for ducks suddenly find themself surrounded by a flock of roosters or at least 10 -1 rooster ratio. They are in deep s### because these are clearly the wild of the wild:eek: With their qiuk thinking they grabbed their guns (no dogs) and walked the grass behind there truck where they were ambushed because these pheasant are so wild they're not scared of humans but stayed to fight. Thank God they are good shoots killing 5 while the rest kinda flew away. Thanking God that they barely survived this ordeal they headed back to the truck when BAM they were hit by a kammakize It was hand to wing combat when finally they got the texas heart shoot put on this beast of a bird:10sign: Amazingly after close examing of the cracuas I discovered these truly wild birds used the bridge of there beaks for something not for sure what:D but it looked like what happens to tame birds with blinders. This state is well worth the trip.
State 2
Some college kids after filling up on pop and cookies said lets go hunt the Crp. When they got back there they let the dogs loose. The dogs worked good, but for some reason these birds would not attack them but ran:( some up the fencelines some around them they ran for all they were worth (which must not be much). These birds surely are not wild not even worth a great hunters time. The kids did manage to kill a couple and missed a few. They said these bird don't have the blinder looking thing on their beak and I said a true sign of a tame bird.:D This state is pure gabage to hunt in birds are way to tame.
What state has the better hunting?
I say one :thumbsup:
Thats right I got stories of to hunts in to different states.
State 1.
two hunters wacthing for ducks suddenly find themself surrounded by a flock of roosters or at least 10 -1 rooster ratio. They are in deep s### because these are clearly the wild of the wild:eek: With their qiuk thinking they grabbed their guns (no dogs) and walked the grass behind there truck where they were ambushed because these pheasant are so wild they're not scared of humans but stayed to fight. Thank God they are good shoots killing 5 while the rest kinda flew away. Thanking God that they barely survived this ordeal they headed back to the truck when BAM they were hit by a kammakize It was hand to wing combat when finally they got the texas heart shoot put on this beast of a bird:10sign: Amazingly after close examing of the cracuas I discovered these truly wild birds used the bridge of there beaks for something not for sure what:D but it looked like what happens to tame birds with blinders. This state is well worth the trip.
State 2
Some college kids after filling up on pop and cookies said lets go hunt the Crp. When they got back there they let the dogs loose. The dogs worked good, but for some reason these birds would not attack them but ran:( some up the fencelines some around them they ran for all they were worth (which must not be much). These birds surely are not wild not even worth a great hunters time. The kids did manage to kill a couple and missed a few. They said these bird don't have the blinder looking thing on their beak and I said a true sign of a tame bird.This state is pure gabage to hunt in birds are way to tame.
What state has the better hunting?
I say one :thumbsup:

WTF? Did a moderator finally get to you with a ball bat?:D
And he's not using a nerf bat anymore:eek:. Said I need allittle extra therapy this week:D
Com'on its true stories one I streached allittle:D But its a tale of a Iowa hunt and a SD hunt:thumbsup: I never seen SD pheasant before but they brought me pheasant they shoot there on public ground:10sign: Not the most manly chickens I ever seen thats for sure. But hey not a bad day for a couple guys looking at ducks:)