turkey stuff

i know, i know, this is about the chiefs, dogs and pheasants when anybody gets into them. but, ya know, turkey season is on as as those other birds are in short supply, nobody hunting turkey?? i will hunt w. kansas for part of fri. and sat. taking both dogs but will also take my recurve and sit in my blind sat. morning(without the dogs) one would sit still, but if he saw a turkey he would likely start whining and that would do it if i only had my bow. the other time will be spent checking out some of my hot spots that a likely missing cover and maybe just running them for parts of two day. more on this later

What kind of recurve do you shoot? Also, what kind of ground blind? I've been looking for something with plenty of clearance as I hunt with a recurve... lets see some pics if you get one!
What kind of recurve do you shoot? Also, what kind of ground blind? I've been looking for something with plenty of clearance as I hunt with a recurve... lets see some pics if you get one!

not sure if there is a ground blind out there that you can use with a std. recurve. i have four blinds and none of them work, would kinda work with a compound. my bow is a howatt, 45#'s and 62" and i shoot a 2016 at 190fps or a 5575 graphite at about 207. while i have killed turkey with it i am having a hard time. using what would be considered a std. 3 blade head i have had 4 direct hits bounce off at 18 yds. i have hit 3 in the neck with a bullhead, all heads bounced off, one bird didn't even run off. the 4 that i have killed, arrow penetration is less than 1/2 way, the arrow and never came out. with my blinds i cut the top off 3 of them, the other has a removable top and have taken it off also. word of advice is to set up the blind and practice and make sure you have the clearance you need at the distance you are likely to shoot. that's a big deal, you can't be sitting too high or too low. the netting has no effect on arrow flight but hitting the side of the window does. don't use expandebles thru the screen and for a bow like mine, don't use them period, they also bounce off. get a swivel adj. height stool or you will end up being sorry. hitting the wing bone will stop your arrow, dead. don't get a blind with really big windows, the turkey that close see everything, if they see you draw the bow, maybe even hear it, they are likely to freeze before they walk off. they will give you time to shoot. i have yet to see a blind that was the right color for kansas or western turkey hunting, they are mostly too dark, you will do well to brush it in and if possible to set it up prior to the hunt. some turkey are bothered by that something new in the area and some are not. again, a turkey at 10 -15 yds is a different bird than one that is out there over 35 yd.. don't think i have any pic. of the blind that would help. keep as many of the windows closed as possible, otherwise they will see you. another hint, when you shoot make sure your foot or ankle is not in the way, makes for horrible arrow flight when you hit it. hope this helps, this also leaves lot's of room for arguments. bring a book with you. the blinds that have a portion of the roof un zip don't leave enough space for your upper limb, when you shoot it will hit on something. you can pm me and i'll give you a couple of blind models that i would consider

Tried a 2 blade? Stingers are great heads. Also, 2016 was too stiff for my 45s... I get great flight and penetration from a 1916 shooting a 125 grain head. I could never get very good flight from carbons out of my bows. All of my bows are 45.
Turkey hunting is big fun, and fall can be quite challenging. Good luck.
Have not fall turkey hunted in several years. Once bird season opens up, I generally like to take the dogs. after quail or pheasants.

Really like the Bullheads (the smaller heads that are 100gr if I remember correctly), I have killed a bunch of turkey with them.
If you hit a turkey in the neck with a bullhead, its done in my experience.

I have also used a Rage 2 blade with good results as well. But I have had turkeys fly off with my arrow sticking out of both sides. Some of the areas that I hunt, if the turkey runs or flys off, they can be really hard to find. Thats why I like the bullheads, if you hit them in the neck they are not going anywhere.

Here is my last turkey from this spring. It was a wet rainy day.


got your answer to your broadhead/killing the turkey/whatever,....3" turkey loads, with copper coated #5's. stop's them dead every time.:cheers::cheers:

Merry Christmas
Turkey with a bow is a lot of fun. Getting them inside 15' is really cool.
I need to get them close, not the greatest shot with a bow.
no show

sat in my blind for 4 hours sat. morning, saw birds but would have needed my .223 instead of my bow, the birds were pretty vocal but not pretty friendly, will try again next week. they don't call well in the winter but sometimes they will come in. i set up between where i know they feed and where they roost and hope to be on their travel rounts

I never had much luck calling them in during the fall.
Its all about scouting in the fall season. You need to be where they are going. Its about bushwacking rather than calling.
I never had much luck calling them in during the fall.
Its all about scouting in the fall season. You need to be where they are going. Its about bushwacking rather than calling.

i have done really well at that, yesterday it didn't work and couldn't have shot one with my shot gun either even though that is not much of a challenge, with the bow, things really have to click. the flock around me is about 300 birds and that is down from about 1/2 so far from last year. anyway, seeing that you use the bullhead, the quiver that you can get for them is worse than useless, i now use 1/4 tubing, like that come with oxygen tanks for breathing or otherwise tygon tubing, cut them about 2" long and slide over the blades, save, secure and just plain work. cheap too. had a pretty good parts of two days running the mutts

I don't put the bullheads on the arrow until I get in the blind.
The heads are still in the original package. Once I get in the blind I put a head on two long arrows. I lean them up against the blind, until needed.

So you are having success calling birds in?
What type of call are you using, cluck and purr?
bullheads and calling

i use the tubes and place one arrow in my quiver backwards, therefore it is always there and i can shoot with or without it in my quiver. in the blind i remove it along with a broad head and lean them against the blind, which i use depends on my nerves at the time. the tubes make carrying the head really safe. anyway, as far as calling even in the best of times they work and often they don't, don't care what kinda calling you are doing whether is be elk, javelina or what all. i learned some serious lessons years ago confusing the putt and the cluck, no more cluck for this kid unless i mix it up with something else. one of the most horrible sounds in the world is that putt coming from a turkey about 15 ft. away, cluck is too much like it to me. most days i will use the kee kee run and seem to mostly use it in a lower sound range rather than the whistle or squeal, the latter is probably the better way to do it, mostly i seem not too, don't know why. my go to calling is the yelp or the cutting of an excited hen. what you are looking for mostly is to get a reaction, mostly what you will gsest back then is the yelp and that is by far what i hear most often, i then yelp back, repeating what they are doing, sometimes by doing it a lot, called sassing the hen right back will get her attention.; i seem to be fairly aggressive in my calling in the fall, what you are hoping for besides being on or about the right travel route is to the bend the flock toward you just a little bit more, if the flock is huge, it is that much harder, last fall i did get a jake to leave the bunch of several hundred birds and as he was coming to me, my buddy was in the way and shot it. but it was working none the less. beside, when in the blind ya can't read all the time, so call, other than a putt or bad cluck, no turkey sounds the same so the chance of scaring it with a bad note is minimal. i don't quit my dogs for turkey, but a few days i try and mix them up some, mostly i like the outdoors and hunting so it is whatever. i have taken a really large variety of big game with the bow but quit doing it years ago except for turkey, i still find that fun. did take a lion about 5 years ago, one of my friends has the dogs and i could shoot one every year but have no interest. the meat is wonderful by the way
