Trucks, Bird Dogs, and Pheasants!

Molly on the last day of the season. It was a good ending for her first year!

We should have a messy truck contest.:)



Or beat up truck contest.



Here's a picture of me and my setter, Speck, taken a couple of years ago. Sadly, I had to put him down this spring. He was 12 years old, and was an absolutely fantastic bird dog and friend. Great memories with him. Don't know if I will ever have one as good as him, or the personality. He was a once in a lifetime dog.

Dogs and birds didn't make the shot but I love this one!

One the Illinois prairie the last day of their season.
I'm on the left with my uncle and dad, my boy TAZ and a pile of ringnecks...

He has your eyes.....

LOL. Well, you know what they say; Dogs take after their owners, or, dogs resemble their owners:confused: Something like that:D

Can't imagine what the owner of this guy looks like:eek:


I see that blind, hairless, freak of nature and I just want to take it out of the gene pool. "hunt with an ugly dog" is a cool slogan, but it has it's limits. It shouldn't be so ugly as to be unsettling.:eek:

Here's a pic from last season. Junie's first wild pheasant and quail exposure at approx 6 months.:cheers:
Elsie's first Pheasant. Minnesota opener 2009.


December 2010. First three bird limit. Late season Minnesota public land hunt.

I think we are all really lucky to be hunting with such good dogs! Definitely some fine looking dogs in this thread!

I like the picture in the snow!