I fell twice this year, Once a hole got me, and once in cattails. I dropped a rooster right in the middle of the cattails. Dog raced all around in them but nothing, so I walked in try to find it. Feet got tangled, tripping me, and down I go. GF can't see me so is yelling "Are you alright?" Fought my way back to my feet and walked out, only to discover the cord holding my dog controller had broken, so I had to go back in to look for it. Fortunately it is orange so I found it where I had fallen. GF and I repaired the cord/lanyard.
Dog, who we had not been paying any attention to, casually strolled out of the cats with the rooster in his mouth.
A few years ago when I hit 70 I noticed that every time I went to a doc they asked me the same question -- "Have you fallen lately?" Now I'm starting to see why, as I even find myself losing my balance for no apparent reason in my house.
But I am spending a lot of time conditioning, and especially my legs, to be ready for bird hunting season. Lot of knee-bends and 25 minutes on the elevated treadmill 3-4 times a week. I am also trying to pay attention to where every step is landing, to avoid holes and obstacles.
I also switched to a super-light mid-height boot, which helps avoid leg fatigue which causes falls.
But if you are going down, be careful about fighting it -- that can result in torn ligaments. Best to just relax and go down, only hurting your pride.