
quail hound

Do any of you all love trees as much as I do? I really love trees, all kinds really but especially oak trees. I came across this dandy black oak burl today and had to sit and enjoy it for a while.

Then there was this beauty I saw while in the north east corner of the state. The oaks up there were adorned with a beautiful red algae.

If any of you enjoy trees as much as I do please feel free to share some pics of some of your favorites.
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There is no shortage of trees in California.:cheers:

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Here's one of my other favorites, the Joshua tree. They only grow is a small elevation range around the Mojave desert. Just getting a start.

In it's full glory.

Quail Hound, you have a true connection with nature my friend.

I agree, those old Oaks are impressive. Historical in a way. While hunting or hiking they often stop me in my tracks. I can't help but to wonder what's transpired throughout that old Oaks life-time, and how has the land changed in that time span.

If I get a chance I'll post a photo of a old Oak at a property I'll (hopefully) be coyote hunting next weekend. It's a unique tree.

Nick, "The Good Oak" is my favorite essay in A Sand County Almanac. The way Leopold recounts what was going on in history corresponding with the trees rings as he saws through his good oak is so great.

Here's a link to the essay if anyone would like to read it.
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Thank you for the link:). I'm looking foreword to reading it.

You know, my mom gave me that book about a year ago and between work and the kid's I can't find the time to read it:(. One of these days!!!

Do I love trees? Check my signature :D ! The American Chestnut has haunted me since I was a boy. :( Nice Post! :thumbsup:
We have water and trees, this is out my back door.
FLDBRED, I've watched that video a handful of times and it's still shocking to me how thoroughly the blight destroyed the American chestnut tree. I hope you start to see them back in your woodlands through the restoration efforts underway. The first picture they show is quite a tree and I'm sure the lost mast from the chestnuts was a blow to wildlife.

Thanks for adding a pic Wayne, looks like you have some nice pines around.:cheers:
Stunning Oak QH!

We have many family photos that were prompted by "Whoa, look at that tree...!" One of my favorites is a big oak that had fallen over a dried creek bed. The arch was just high enough for my wife and I to stand under while the boys sat atop for a pic. Another biggun' sits just outside of town, just off a well-traveled gravel road. Its obvious by looking at the road from a distance that the developers intended the tree to be part of the traveler's experience and it is the largest tree I've ever seen in KS.

Good thread:thumbsup:and :coolpics:
Unfortunately, Iowa DNR has declared war on trees, and it makes me sad. For some oddball reason, they have decided that they want to set the clock back to 1860 when the prairie chicken roamed the Iowa prairies.

They are taking out everything possible in all of the Walk in areas in the northwest part of the state. Groves, fencelines, shrubs. apple orchards.. nothing is sacred..

We lost 66 of our largest trees on out acreage back in July of 2010. It was a major cleanup for sure.





I did manage to get the beams for my mancave out of some of the ash logs though. :)

Reddog - I know exactly what you are saying! We had a nice wooded area surrounded with CRP. It was a fun spot to hunt. Iowa DNR cut the trees down and just left them lay. I don't get it! We have some decent maples and skinny oaks here in Northern Iowa, but the Iowa DNR wants all Ash trees gone to prevent the Ash Borer and all oaks because they weren't original to the prairie, at least that's what they told me.