Training with a second dog

MI Bird Dog

New member

I have a chocolate lab that is 3. I have done my best to work with her and have a 3-4 acre field on my property with tall cool season grasses (trying to plant SG)that I use almost strictly for training. I’ve bought quail with a recall pen in the past and have done a lot to get her in front of birds. I’m hoping to make it a trip this fall and my friend has her sister.(same litter) that would come. Only worry is she doesn’t have the training, and I have never handled 2 dogs in the field at once. I’d like to do a mix of hunting with both dogs and just one at a time.

I’ll have both dogs on weekends a multiple times this summer. I was wondering if anyone has any tips for working on training with 2 dogs. I’m probably the limiting factor in all of this. They are both really obedient dogs and have a strong nose.

Thanks for any suggestions
I have a 6 month old and 7 year old black labs.
I use the old dog to steady pup, if pup creeps, the big dog gets the retrieve.
Pup soon learns that steady gets her the retrieve reward.
Saves time for me having to walk out and pick up the bumper, big dog gets to do that if pup creeps.
Plus pup's retrieve desire is great when she sees big dog make the retrieve.

Introduction to cold blinds.
Later on when training on blinds I will run the old dog first, then the youngster.
The blind location is unknown, but the youngster just saw the older dog succeed in running the same blind.

I don't hunt them at the same time. I hunt every morning (sunrise to noon) in Montana (weekdays only) so I like to give each dog a day's rest
after they hunted a morning. On big trips to North Dakota and eastern MT, the same dog hunts morning, then rest,
the other dog hunts afternoon after resting in the morning. That way the are fresh and can hunt every day for 7-10 days.
I'm not sure I understand the question.
If its how do I train 2 dogs, simple run your drill with dog 1, put him up and repeat with dog 2.
If its how do I train the 2 dogs to hunt together. I always train them independently so they understand and have the necessary skill set, and then hunt them together. With young dogs you will get some screwing around initially but that always seems to end quickly when the first bird is scented. Do not be surprised if they play tug o war with the first retrieve, hell they might even get in a squabble. But if your obedience is solid a firm here should fix that pretty quickly.
Good luck and don't over think it. As long as obedience is solid much of the rest falls into place.