trail cams


New member
any of you guys getting any good photos. checked my cam tonight and had 1302 photos on it. was out for 3 1/2 weeks. had it set to take photo every 30 seconds. one large buck came in but didnt come into mineral lick completly. looks like an eleven point. got a picture with 5 turkeys in it. got a few of coyots also.
some a$$ hole stole it

Sorry to hear that. And that possibility is the very reason I don't have one now; losing one to some azzhat was one too many.
I've been using a couple trail cams. Set for 5 minutes gets me a couple hundred pics in about 10 days. I get a lot of birds like Blue Jays. Many turkey pics, couple pheasants, all kinds of does and fawns.
I have several times got a pic of a decent buck, but only 1 pic of each. Do any of you think mature bucks remember where the camera is and stay away from it?

Man Cloud, did the jerk come on private property? Still a jerk no matter where he took it.
it was on public property very near private. my brother only lives less than a mile away. lost 3 tree stands in one night on private ground about 5 years ago. they had balls enough to drive a truck up to each of them so they didnt have to carry them out. also lost a trail cam on that farm 10 years ago.
talked to a friend of mine today. some screwed with trail cam. in his area they dont steal the camera, they take the photo cards out of them.:mad:
i have put my evil mind to work in a capt cootie like fashion. i have an old trail cam that doent work. i have thought of a way to booby trap it when opened. should i use a fart bomb that smells like rotten eggs when the vial breaks or make my own vail filled with pure skunk scent:D
i have put my evil mind to work in a capt cootie like fashion. i have an old trail cam that doent work. i have thought of a way to booby trap it when opened. should i use a fart bomb that smells like rotten eggs when the vial breaks or make my own vail filled with pure skunk scent:D

what you need is an exploding dye pack that banks use. surely somebody could help you out
i have found out who has my trail cam.:eek: i know where he lives and the truick he drives. the little p---k benneliboy pranked the master:confused: i was talking to the annoying rubberducky and flat out asked him if he took my trail cam as a joke. he then spilled the beans on how benneliboy NEVER set the camera out!!! i drove 60 miles one way to check it and thought it was stolen. they were going to give it to me for christmas!!!!!! well they got me good. but oh well i still have a bottle of skunk scent and alot of free time on my hands.
Ahhh . . . fortunately, revenge is a dish best served cold & it IS coming winter. Good prank, however . . . :cool:
Pulled memory sticks today on four cams before the snow storm hit. It had been a week since I changed them last. Lowest had thirty pics, the highest had 2256. Takes awhile to go through them. I delete most pics. I have pics of deer, coyote, coon, porcupine, bob cat, turkeys, squirrels, rabbits. It is lots of fun seeing what is out there. Waiting for a picture of a mountain lion or an elk.
Our cam caught a bear, does, fawns and one nice buck mid-day. The stunt reminds me of a trick one of my co-workers pulled on his buddy. He actually rented a gorilla suit, put it on and walked back and forth in front of the trail cam.

Can you imagine? Minnesota sasquatch.

One thing about trail cams: It makes trespassing a much riskier activity. If they find the camera they're going to have to take the card or the camera. If they don't they're busted.
That first pic of the bull is usually how I see my elk, except they are running out of the country!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!:coolpics::10sign::cheers:
it apears your friends

pranksters- even if only one time pulling a prank- I will never talk to- will never hunt with me- you like it and pull pranks- you deserve it

some think it pretty neet-

shame you couldn't hook it up to an electric fence I know from experience on the farm that it will get your attention, I wouldn't try peeing on it either.:)