trail cam photo


New member
could it be bigfoot? amazing what goes on at night near my trail cam. the time on my camera is way off. 2:30 am is way past his bedtime.
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I'd say for the hair sample, set a trap and let him stay in it for a day or two so he won't attack when you come up to gather the sample.
Heck of a kid still going hunting with a bad knee. How did you guys do?
hey bennelli boy did you have to change your shorts when the flash went off:p looks like you need to start hobbling to the house sooner its pretty dark out in the photo. bigfoot might get you:D
The yeti is poaching!

says who? i dont remember there being a season opening for yeti, as far as im concern, they are like coyotes... shoot anytime of the year. damn varmits.

lets all get togethr and catch this yeti! now, everyone with a printer, print that picture out, lets all get together and come up with a plan and lets catch us a yeti. if you dont have a printer, one will be provided.
the yeti was coyote calling behind his house. we could use his photo for a dart board. the smallest part of his body could be the bullseye.:p:D