Toursist trap towns


Active member
Wow, I thought i seen towns in my area that stick it to the tourist. I was in a town everyday for the last two weeks and never seen anything like it.

Simple hamburger and fries $7.50

I bought 5 meals for the boys across the road at the shop as a show of appreciation. The women that runs the eat joint works part time at that very shop. After me finding it was just shy of $40.00 for 5 hamburgers and 5 fries. She says she has to charge me .25 cent a piece for the foam to go containers on top of it.

GAS....27 cents a gallon higher then any neighboring town within 7 miles.

The convenience stores(2 of them) didn't price anything. I bought Gatorade in the neighboring town for $1.39 each. I dropped four on the counter in this town. $12.00.

I had a brochure from the casino that said the sea food buffet was $16.99 all you can eat. We called to see what time the buffet started the taped message said 5:00PM and it was $19.99. We second guess going but decided to go. After eating we went to pay and they charged us $24.99. My son and I ate, costs us $57.00 plus a tip. NEVER AGAIN!

There's a couple of big camp grounds on the river in this town. They are gouging the eye's out of those tourist and the local's are taking it in the hind end for it.

I'm sorry but I can't wish anything short of bankruptcy for business owners who choose to conduct themselves like this. Specially when folks are trying so hard to try and take the family on some kind of vacation.

I won't ever spend a dime back in that town again.
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Wow, I thought i seen towns in my area that stick it to the tourist. I was in a town everyday for the last two weeks and never seen anything like it.

Simple hamburger and fries $7.50

I bought 5 meals for the boys across the road at the shop as a show of appreciation. The women that runs the eat joint works part time at that very shop. After me finding it was just shy of $40.00 for 5 hamburgers and 5 fries. She says she has to charge me .25 cent a piece for the foam to go containers on top of it.

GAS....27 cents a gallon higher then any neighboring town within 7 miles.

The convenience stores(2 of them) didn't price anything. I bought Gatorade in the neighboring town for $1.39 each. I dropped four on the counter in this town. $12.00.

I had a brochure from the casino that said the sea food buffet was $16.99 all you can eat. We called to see what time the buffet started the taped message said 5:00PM and it was $19.99. We second guess going but decided to go. After eating we went to pay and they charged us $24.99. My son and I ate, costs us $57.00 plus a tip. NEVER AGAIN!

There's a couple of big camp grounds on the river in this town. They are gouging the eye's out of those tourist and the local's are taking it in the hind end for it.

I'm sorry but I can't wish anything short of bankruptcy for business owners who choose to conduct themselves like this. Specially when folks are trying so hard to try and take the family on some kind of vacation.

I won't ever spend a dime back in that town again.

sounds like a small town in the Rockies to me.......
sounds like a small town in the Rockies to me.......

About 25 years ago I took my parents on a vacation of a lifetime for them. Yes to the Rockies. My folks had never been on such a trip. I had been to this area a couple of times in the past. The closer we got the mountains the more we got fleeced and the ruder the people became. We had 14 days planned for the trip. We were back home in 3 days. We haven't went back since. We brought horses and planned to ride in and trout fish. You could only keep a couple of fish like 16 to 19 inches. We couldn't stay anywhere with the horses, not even at a trail head, no camp grounds, Etc.

We drove back to Minnesota where we could pull into any logging road on state or county land in northern Minnesota and stay as long as we wanted with horses for FREE. We thought it was cowboy country in Montana. That was our mistake. We drove over 300 miles the first day we were there, looking for a place we could stay with the horses. Not a single place would let us stay. We finally pulled into a state camp ground near Red Lodge. It said no horses but we had no choice. It was getting dark and we needed a place to stay for the night. We pulled up stakes in the morning and headed back to Minnesota.

Just a note, we met some very nice folks in Miles City Montana. They even told us to put our horses in their pasture over night for free. The guy came over to our camp site and had a couple of beers with us. He said, even eastern Montanan's weren't treated nice by western Montanan's. When they went out that way to hunt. They were treated as outsiders too. The outfitters got all the restrictions put on out in the western parts of the state with horses. That way you have to use their services. You have to ride in from a trail head and stay in the back country. My 60 year old mother and father had no plans of sleeping in a tent in grizzly country. That's why we had campers on our trucks. There's no camping aloud at any trail head.
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You should come to the Black Hills of South Dakota--its horse friendly here as there are two HORSE campgrounds one in Custer State Park and one National Forrest camp. Just up the road there is a private campground that caters to horse riders and there a miles and miles of horse trails in the forrest.:cheers:
Very nice folks too Uncle Buck. I would visit there again
My trip to Miles City made me under stand why it is called, "Big Sky Country".
Onpoint, you should have stayed in the Miles City area. South about 70 miles is the Custer National Forest. Beautiful pine covered hills and you can camp and ride where ever you please.:)
Or North to the Missouri Breaks country, tones of federal lands open to camping and horse riding.
MNMT, we went too far west for sure. That's a long time ago. I can't imagine how bad it is now. That mountain country has been ruled to death.