Today's Opener

Looking for some reports on pheasant hunting in southwest area driving
Out next Monday from CA .Not sure I should try public or plan to pay to
Hunt.Since I drive a long way don't know if it would be worth this extra time to locate the few birds that are out there.
I still love hunting there.What's your opinion!!!
Slow go. Personally I’d try SD if I was coming all the way from CA.

Thanks for reply i kind of like less hunters. Been to S Dakota a few times
Just to many hunters.Restraurant to full to many road hunters.I don't mind
Working for shoots its all about the dogs anyway.Just worried about habitat
On public plots.I know pheasant are down this year.I do have pay to hunt back ups i might try them both
if you go during the week, it shouldn't be that crowded, although first 10 days of season can be a bit much.....ND has so much posted ground, not much different from SD any more.
Also, very hard to find landowners, many are absentee.
Well thanks guys.Coming from CA I have to make plans early.I Already
Rented a house near mott for two weeks.But I could hunt northern
S Dakota if I wanted but I would think it would be the same Bird populations maybe Lemon area.Anyway I will do a lot of exploring
And try to find birds at end of day when they are returning to roost
Going to be there Oct 17-30
Thanks for input jim
Well thanks guys.Coming from CA I have to make plans early.I Already
Rented a house near mott for two weeks.But I could hunt northern
S Dakota if I wanted but I would think it would be the same Bird populations maybe Lemon area.Anyway I will do a lot of exploring
And try to find birds at end of day when they are returning to roost
Going to be there Oct 17-30
Thanks for input jim

i would guess a lot more hunting pressure around Mott, than north toward Lemon....birds are a bit down everywhere in SD, compared to a normal to find the hot spots.