Tired of paying $100 each time I want to hunt...HELP

Thanks everyone. I check out Des Plaines and know a few people that have hunted pheasants there....lets just say they advised against it. Like everyone has said it's a bit crazy there. We did run a hunt test there with the vizsla club of IL and the weim club of IL. That was nice...really nice grounds, just too many hunters during the season.

If you want to hunt wild birds they can be found in some of the public areas in Illinois. I will counsel you that you round trip you'll spend almost a $ 100 just on gas. On most of my trips I'll pick up a pheasant or two and a covey of quail.
Des Plaines is basically the Wild Wild West. Last season I was hunting a tree line and 3 guys jump in front of me expecting me to "push" the birds for them. I waited, they waited eventually I started back up again only to have couple birds flush at the end which they shot. Simply amazing. If you have a dog make sure you get a chest protector in orange for visibility so they dont shot the dog.
I've also had great success in hunting in and around beloit wisconsin areas on the publics. You wont see anybody and you'll pick up a bird or two. From Wheaton its about a 2:30 hr drive.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt around beloit? Was it Avon bottoms wildlife area? I called the WI DNR and the nice thing about there state parks is you can just go hunt...none of the lottery crap like we have in IL. I mapquested the avon park and it's about 2 hours, which isn't bad at all. I'm interested to hear more about your hunting in souther WI.

Also, what public parks in IL did you hunt wild pheasants? I've only found 1 where you can just go and hunt, but they limit the number of hunters and it's only from Dec. 22nd to Jan 8th, so I will try that area during that time. I think it's called Mazonia.

Anyways thanks again everyone.

Just have to jump into the conversation -

I was lucky enough to grow up in South Dakota on a working farm that kept pheasant hunters each fall (we still do). I will say this, jumping in a pickup and traveling to somewhere that has birds and hunting for a long weekend may be something you want to plan.

The hunt is way more than just the birds - its getting away, spending time with your hunting partners, seeing new places and people, and of course being with your dog 24 hours a day for the trip. And half the fun is planning the trip.

Until then, hunt that Vizsla whenever you can!

Love those Vizsla dogs!
We got him from a breeder in Michigan, Belinda Tantalto. Do you have a vizsla? If so where did you get him/her from?

I have four.

I also foster vizslas for Show Me Vizsla rescue. One of them I kept as a rescue because he had a lot of issues coming in and didn't feel like someone else wanted to put up with him. He's got some hunting talent, so... I thought I'd work with him a bit and see what we could make. Good hearted dog.
The other three I bought. All have been bought from field trial lines to be field trial dogs. I bought two from Dustin Ochs. My oldest, is Riley who was sired by a dog from Shiloh Kennels, in Wisconsin (Thus the reason I asked...) The middle dog was sired by Touchdown Kid owned by Mike Lundy (the bitch is owned by Dustin.) And my youngest, is a little girl sired by a dog owned by Dustin, (Boots) and the bitch is owned by Brian Fidler)

It gets crazy in the house, (got two others I'm fostering right now ) but it's enjoyable.

You said you have family in Michigan....I live in the northern lower peninsula and we have great bird hunting here if you are interested in woodcock or ruffed grouse. Bird numbers are good and we are approaching the best time when leaves start falling. Woodcock flights are starting so the woods should be full of birds. Good luck
You said you have family in Michigan....I live in the northern lower peninsula and we have great bird hunting here if you are interested in woodcock or ruffed grouse. Bird numbers are good and we are approaching the best time when leaves start falling. Woodcock flights are starting so the woods should be full of birds. Good luck

Thanks, where at in MI in the lower peninsula is good? The further south the better since my family lives in the south east corner. Is there a lot of public land that is good to hunt? Easy accessible and no hops to jump through like IL?

What's the season for woodcock and ruffed grouse?

I have four.

I also foster vizslas for Show Me Vizsla rescue. One of them I kept as a rescue because he had a lot of issues coming in and didn't feel like someone else wanted to put up with him. He's got some hunting talent, so... I thought I'd work with him a bit and see what we could make. Good hearted dog.
The other three I bought. All have been bought from field trial lines to be field trial dogs. I bought two from Dustin Ochs. My oldest, is Riley who was sired by a dog from Shiloh Kennels, in Wisconsin (Thus the reason I asked...) The middle dog was sired by Touchdown Kid owned by Mike Lundy (the bitch is owned by Dustin.) And my youngest, is a little girl sired by a dog owned by Dustin, (Boots) and the bitch is owned by Brian Fidler)

It gets crazy in the house, (got two others I'm fostering right now ) but it's enjoyable.

Wow, 4 is crazy! I want another one, the wife doesn't right now. Plus this one is our kid for now. He's spoiled like no other, sleeps with us and so on....Not sure I could have 2 dogs sleeping in a king size bed with the wife and I, one is hard enough! I think having 2 dogs would be awesome to watch hunt together.

One thing for sure, is we will never have another type of dog but a vizsla. They are the best of both worlds, great hunters, but family dogs as well. Especially when we have kids, we've only heard great things about them and kids.

13; The Mi grouse season runs through dec. Wood cock ends in late nov i think. There are actually some good spots in allegan woods state game area. A little closer than n mi. For the real deal stick with Musk N. I have always found the birds are where you find them. I look for likely spots locate permision and hit the ground. If you want real bird hunting no place like the Dakota's. I will be gone 4 weeks this year. Training the wife is really no different than training that dog. Be fair firm and consistant. Pack up and head west you won't regret it.
13; The Mi grouse season runs through dec. Wood cock ends in late nov i think.
Woodcock ends November 7th. Grouse hunting does exist in December, but there is no hunting upland birds in November while firearm deer season is occurring.
Wow, 4 is crazy! I want another one, the wife doesn't right now. Plus this one is our kid for now. He's spoiled like no other, sleeps with us and so on....Not sure I could have 2 dogs sleeping in a king size bed with the wife and I, one is hard enough! I think having 2 dogs would be awesome to watch hunt together.


if you raise the pups properly, know how to be harsh and loving- 4 is no way to many to have in the house
I hate to be a shit, but this guy should look up the the word Hotspotting, he not less then 5 times asks for specific names and hunting spots. I'm all for helping out the new guys but there's a limit, and I only frequent 3 hunting sights and he's all over two asking the same specific hunting spot questions, but getting vague answers take a hint. I live in Southern WI we don't have any birds were all out, just kidding.
... but getting vague answers take a hint.
x2. I spent a couple years trying to figure out how to grouse hunt and where to go. It was a lot of gas, money, time, and wear on the boots to figure things out. I'm willing to share what I know about grouse habitat and the generalities of hunting them, but I won't even share the cities I travel to with anyone outside my closest friends and family. There's something to be said about putting in the time and effort to find out the details in exactly where to go for birds.

In the end $100 for a guaranteed spot to just drive up and be on birds right away really isn't that bad.
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If that was my picture of my dogs they would be dead and my berries below my twig would be missing! My wife would be holding them.

I own 3 Vizs. Love them and hunt all 3 great dogs....

Great pic!:coolpics:
Bird Hunting

Take the suggestion and go to a State run places. Des Plaines (I'ts a meat market) or Moraine View ST. Pk. (Alot nicer). The dollars are what they are. Gas, Travel plus the fee. It's a commitment that goes along with it. Illinois pretty much sucks for hunting. Canned at best. Traveling to central or Northern Wisc. and Hunt Grouse. National Forest land. Park step out the truck door and go hunting. I live NW of Chicago about 50 miles. Don't know how many miles I put in goin gto different places to hunt. It just goes with the territory. Even if you could find private land to hunt inIll. the numbers are so low it would be a lot of walking for minimal return. Illinios a nice place to be from. JMO
Good Luck.
I am in the same boat as you when it comes to finding state (public land, not truly wild) birds. NY is mostly put and take and the fields get crowded quickly. Other than putting plenty of miles on the truck and walking new land preserve hunting is the only sure thing.

One thing I try to do is befriend the preserve owners and offer up my help in the offseason. In return I usually get to hunt scratch birds at a discounted rate. It is just like knocking on doors out west, but not really.
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If that was my picture of my dogs they would be dead and my berries below my twig would be missing! My wife would be holding them.

I own 3 Vizs. Love them and hunt all 3 great dogs....

Great pic!:coolpics:

thanks- you see that one on the bed- back foot up and looking like
well- that's the wifes special dog- can do no wrong- to me- hard headed little smart allec- tests me he does- the other day I put a 6' log chain attached to his collar- he's been pretty good since
hunting room- wife doesn't even like him sleeping on the water bed- oh well- I sometimes sleep with all 4- strange dreams for sure