This is what heppens when you screw with someone on the hwy who has a carry permit

They sure lost the tough guy stuff in a hurry....he had their full undivided attention..:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
That just officially Pi$$ed me off. That guy/girl was just out for a drive and then ended up getting harrassed for no other reason than the car he drives. Stupid people shouldn't breed.

That strikes a point for concealed weapons.
For some reason it seemed like acting to me:confused: Nevertheless, it proves a good point; You never know who has a peace maker these days so better keep the peace.;)
Could have been entitled "How to Teach Your Son About Bad Karma" or "How to Look Like the Jerk You Are."
Why even post anything anymore. It must be nice to live in the disagree, negative, staged, photoshopped, world. I think some just live to disagree and buck everything they can each day. A product of always having to be right, the best, out due everybody teachings we have these days.

Just maybe if he blew their heads off it would have been more believable. I dealt with a nut job like this on the Hwy. It was before my days of carrying a concealed weapon. The guys rammed me and my infant son up against the cement media and stopped all 4 lanes of 35W leading into Minneapolis. Today, he would down on the concrete with my gun to his head praying the cops got there to save his @$$.
Lighten up, onpoint. Do you believe everything you see and read on the internet? If my buddy had showed me that video, you can bet I'd be bustin' his balls a lot worse than you got here :laugh:

A couple parts made it seem staged. First was how stupid acting the rednecks were. Really.....have you ever encountered anyone who would have acted even remotely like these two nitwits? If they were really as dumb as they acted, would they even know how to film it? And why would they film it.....what purpose would that serve other than give the authorities proof of them breaking some law. Second was how the girl acted. At no time did I see her act scared or terrified like most women would have in that situation. Would your girlfriend/wife have acted so calm with you getting out of your vehicle with a gun to confront these clowns?

As I previously said, it was somewhat funny to watch. But I certainly don't believe any of it was real.
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