The perfect grainery gun


Active member
Anybody have one?

You know, the old shotgun that stands in the corner of the grainery, barn, shed, Etc.

My dad has a old single barrel 12ga that weighs about 3lbs and kicks like a mule. He use to always have it leaning in the corner of the butcher shack. Used for varmints, stray grouse who wondered into the yard, Red squirrels, Etc.

I really don't have one but I think everybody should have one. I need to get me one.

Anybody else have that work horse grainery gun?
How bout a Flobert 9MM shotgun? Shoot sparrows, pigeons without perforating the tin roof. Winchester made some, and somebody currently loads shells! I see them in UK gunbrokers here and there.
Quit shootin them thar pigeons, we need em fer trainin.:D so isa we can shoot em.

I used to do that with pointing dogs. But I found out they became hellacious pigeon dogs! so I switched to quail. The pigeons wander around on the ground unless you dizzy, or hobble one, easy to catch. Makes for a confused dog. Besides I hunt quail, not pigeons. Pigeons do make a mess in the barn.
How bout a Flobert 9MM shotgun? Shoot sparrows, pigeons without perforating the tin roof. Winchester made some, and somebody currently loads shells! I see them in UK gunbrokers here and there.

I have had a few chances to buy one of them. Just never jumped on it because of the lack of ammo being made.

I always wanted a smooth bore Marlin Garden Gun...22 shot shells. They made a new run of them about 10-15 years ago. I wish I would have bought one.

Here's a Winchester 9MM

Here's is a Anschutz garden gun in 6mm Glatt
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Here's One

I have a old Winchester 97 like that. No finish left, the stock is full of nicks, but it still works fine. I call it the "Barn gun."

Lock and Load! :D