The last of the doves


New member
Took my lab out and worked him, did'nt see but two doves I think the cold front this weekend has started pushing them. This friday day off of work, headed to the game ranch for last workup for my dog before the season starts.
Not many left around KS either. The hearty ones pushed through right before the front. I was watching big flocks of doves Friday at work flying around. Meant to go out back of the house this evening to see if any big flocks were flying around but forgot all about it.
Well I don't know where they went! I was expecting a large number of new birds down here in Texas due to the cold front, but have seen very few this last weekend. Maybe they kept on going and are hanging out on the beach in Mexico.
Cooler here in S. Indiana...but still several doves around.
I like to shoot a few to get my old lab excited about having a bird in his mouth. He likes those doves even if he does end up with a mouth full of feathers!
Stokin' his fire until we can get to SD!:):)