the big three

Amazing Hunting

We have shot chukar, huns, quail on the same walk from the truck, also had a nice point on a sage grouse (wasn't in season though) on that same walk. On another trip we shot quail, huns, and chukar all by 3:00pm and hunted pheasants for the last 2 hours of daylight, we were only able to put up two hens, we were really trying for the quad. All wild birds. It can be done. That hunting spot has since been refered to as magic mountain by me and hunting partner. I know of a few places in that area where you can get into multiple species of birds in the same hunt, it always makes it interseting.

What an experience! You all are obviously highly skilled upland bird hunters.
In this picture the hun is hard to pick out, but they all came from the same walk from the truck. Chukars, hun, and quail. This was the one where we had a nice point over a big male sage grouse before we got into the quail.

This is the day we got all three again, chukar, huns, quail and hunted for pheasants the last two hours of daylight. Looking back we should have hit a different spot for pheasants but hind sights always 20/20.

It's happened a few times since then but all the pictures are downloaded on a disc somewhere. Good luck guys.
heres a goal of mine thanksgiving weekend kill a prairie chicken pheasant quail in one day came close havent done it yet ,how many on here have?

I shot a West Texas trifecta in the same day a couple years ago. Limits on dove, quail and greenhead mallards. I just wanted to see if I could do it.
#1 Landon, you've blown your cover.
#2 I have not done it, but in SD the grouse and chickens can be found on the same ground with pheasants and possibly a Hun. They are getting rarer in SD.
In Idaho,Oregon and perhaps other locales, you could possibly shoot Blue, Spruce, Ruffed Grouse and then move down the mountain and shoot Chuk, Hun, quail and pheasant Septfecta?
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#1 Landon, you've blown your cover.
#2 I have not done it, but in SD the grouse and chickens can be found on the same ground with pheasants and possibly a Hun. They are getting rarer in SD.
In Idaho,Oregon and perhaps other locales, you could possibly shoot Blue, Spruce, Ruffed Grouse and then move down the mountain and shoot Chuk, Hun, quail and pheasant Septfecta?[/QUOTE

I knew I would be busted sooner or later when I posted those pictures!!!!!!
Here's a pic of a Morton County (KS) grand slam. I am usually able to do this a few times each season. Bobwhite quail, blue quail, pheasant, and lesser prairie chicken.


Here's a pic of a Morton County (KS) grand slam. I am usually able to do this a few times each season. Bobwhite quail, blue quail, pheasant, and lesser prairie chicken.

Looks like you're a Grasslands specialist. I'd be especially interested in any wisdom and experience you'd care to share on scaled (blue) quail and prairie chickens.
Here you would have to go for the chicken, rooster, and a ruff grouse. That could be done if you set your mind to it. But I think you have to get a permit for the prairie chicken, as they are only in certain countys. Never tried it. But I have gotten Sharpies, ducks, geese, and roosters in one day before, not on the same ground though.
In my area we could do it Pheasant, Quail, Chukar, and/or Ruffed Grouse. But it would be hard to do all in one day. Due to the different area they occupy.........Bob