T Shirts


New member
Just wanted to make a suggestion,and see what you guys and gals think.Have some t shirts with the UPH logo on them,and sell them on here.Heck make up some hats too.
It has been suggested several times. But it always get lost in the UPH Home Office. Last time it was on a chair awaiting action...Bob
I'd be willing to pay for a couple of hats and a few shirts.
Great idea

Yep put me down for a couple of shirts and a hat, great idea:10sign:
Not that I'm aware of. The group of us that got together for the pheasant hunt by Granite Falls, MN in April were also promised some of these items and that never happened either. :confused:
Just wanted to make a suggestion,and see what you guys and gals think.Have some t shirts with the UPH logo on them,and sell them on here.Heck make up some hats too.

LOL Urban Legend
I'd be in for a few T shirts and a hat.

If you do this, do it right. Supply a product that we will enjoy being seen in, proud to wear and will last. A good product will sell itself and reflect on the quality of the "Ultimate Pheasant Hunting" site.

It's a great idea that should be pursued.:cheers:
I'd buy a shirt and a hat.

I agree with the above, make it a quality product that doesn't look to cheesy (as my name already is). Simple, classic, and unobtrusive are what I like on my hats and shirts.
Didn't Webguy have a friend who did graphic design work ??
Webguy, I'll make the t-shirts and hats, sell them and give you a % of profits!

Let's see if that works:D;)
I would buy a couple if they had GSP on them. I have been looking for a t-shirt with a GSP on them, not to many out there
It's hard to find good quality hunting and dog design apparel. I thought about doing some design work. I hate it when the dogs or birds don't look real.