Sx3 for hunting pheasants

The best gun for me is a SX2/light, ( aluminum reciever), same as a Browning Fusion, both made in Portugal assembled in Belgium, on the same assembly line. High vent rib, I can hit almost anything with it, weighs about 6 1/2#, lighter than most 20's. Reliability for a gas auto is very good. Low recoil, But you have to clean them! I had no problems with a remington 1100 either. People who have problems never got the cosmolene out, or used different oil. Use Winchester "break free" lightly. Only thing I would change, the reassembly seems a little tricky, but you'll get the hang of it. I have the SX/2, a browning gold SL, and a Fusion, my wife's favorite gun. At one point I decided to make my self a double gun shooter, bad idea, I sold these guns and went back and found and bought them again! I guess that gives you an idea how much I like them!
As I've stated many times...I'm not an auto guy and when I do I shoot a Browning Maxus; however, last week after a miserable pheasant hunt, we pulled out the thrower and shot some clays. A buddy of mine had an SX3 and I shot it 10-12 times and that gun is a shooter. If it fits you and you feel confident it the way it swings then I would go for it. Last time I looked, the gun doesn't kill the bird, it's that high dollar ammo you bought with it...Good luck with your choice!