Southeast US

Be nice to hear some hog, turkey, squirrel, crow and rabbit stories.

But I doubt any of those states consider themselves in the SE US.
Be nice to hear some hog, turkey, squirrel, crow and rabbit stories.

But I doubt any of those states consider themselves in the SE US.

Now those are fightin' words! All of those states are PROUD members of the S.E.C., that is the Southeast Conference. If that isn't south-eastern enough, they all had stars on the Conferderate Battle flag. Need a refresher history course or need lay off the sauce, unless it's sipping on good aged Kentucky corn liquor, ( they were on the confederate flag too!)
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The southeast, to many even today, is not The South.
I would suggest that a few of those states may well prefer the later geographic football notwithstanding.

I'm fairly content with my understanding of the War of Northern Aggression.

Kentucky likker is very good for freeing rusted lug nuts and disinfecting wounds....for human consumption, Irish whiskey would be the wisest call.

Actually, I thought the question a good one and would also enjoy, in addition to the above, some stories of dove and quail.
And, other than for what it would represent, a good ruffed grouse tale would be fine also.
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The southeast, to many even today, is not The South.
I would suggest that a few of those states may well prefer the later geographic football notwithstanding.

I'm fairly content with my understanding of the War of Northern Aggression.

Kentucky likker is very good for freeing rusted lug nuts and disinfecting wounds....for human consumption, Irish whiskey would be the wisest call.

Actually, I thought the question a good one and would also enjoy, in addition to the above, some stories of dove and quail.
And, other than for what it would represent, a good ruffed grouse tale would be fine also.

I was sure from your comments in other posts that you were on the ball so to speak. I was in my Missouri moment, we are SEC guys ourselves, star and all, but we are very good midwesterners to boot, at least when we were in the Big-12. These are strange times and there are times when college sports in our times remake the history of who we are, and our culture. I guess I should look at Missouri's history.... we may be closer than we think! I'm with you, quail, dove hunting as a gentile holiday, Turkey stalking, I'll take it all, Of course the true arisistocrisy of birds The ruffed Grouse, with a helping of seasonal woodcock! Spoken reverently by Burton Spiller, Frank Woolner, Gene Hill, but I do like Havilah Babcock, and Nash Buckingham too!
Old Kentucky Home.....quail & fine bourbon

Howdy gents.....

I wanted to chime in and wish all a great season afield....
Most of the country is experiencing tough hunting condition due to the drought and loss of habitat.....

However I have really been seeing and finding good #'s of birds in KY this day so far is 4 coveys in 3 hours.

I have 3 Lew setters and my pup "trigger" pointed his first covey last week....
Boy was I proud and wished I had my camera for that moment.

My BB Cats are playing Duke tonight and I look forward to a great game....

PS.....thank God that Bama finally I would love to see K-State or ND win all the marbles this year in football!
