sorry guys


New member
cold weather is all my fault. I swore I would never get a smart phone and that I needed one about as bad as I needed spandex biking shorts. well hell is freezing over because I finally got rid of my flip phone and got a smart phone. WOWWWWWW I can now do cool stuff. years ago the evil capt coot put a picture on my phone. it was a close up of his tom cats NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!! never did figure out how to get it off the sceen:confused: now what photo should I use for his contact. if I get really fancy what song or sound should I use as the ringtone when he calls me
You gotta be s###ing me:eek: You and a smart phone my how you have grown:thumbsup: It was just last week you learned you should put bait on your hook:D I know the how to pour water out of your boot is a hard one but you'll figure it out:thumbsup:. I have faith in you:D
The south end of a northbound mule, perhaps?
He might not have smartphone for long. New phone Blackcloud on a fishing trip what could possibly go wrong:eek::D No smartphone here my fingers just aint made for them. I have enough trouble with my touch screen always pointing at the wrong thing:D
I just call mine my "much smarter than I am" phone ('course 2 tin cans connected by a string could be described the same way if I were using them) . . .
I just call mine my "much smarter than I am" phone ('course 2 tin cans connected by a string could be described the same way if I were using them) . . .
Did the two cans with a string actually work? I heard the legend, but never tried it! Now I have seen a bolt of lightening flash out of the crank up wallphone, and bounce around the kitchen! Now it's your plug in computer that gets fried. I sure wish they would make an android phone for "man hands", I have to fumble around texting, it's the only language my kids know!
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We thought they did. Then we upgraded & ran a telegraph system between the houses. that worked, even if we did have to meet halfway to decipher the long & short of it, lol.
Dang modern doo-dads!
I found that tom cats nuts picture on my phone???? thought about using it as your contact photo but it has a lot more hair than you and MUCH bigger balls. answer your phone and I will tell you about fishing.