December report....
Spent this weekend in South Central NE. I hunted public land right on the KS border. I got in late Friday night and started hunting around 8am Saturday. It was in the mid 30s and no wind. And dry. Holy cow is that place dry. I saw 2 creeks with water, everything was dry as a bone. All the irrigation canals were dry and cracked.
Worked about 8 different fields on Saturday before my legs gave out. Didn't see a single bird. Nothing. In fact the wildlife might be bailing on that area altogether. I usually see coyotes, deer, rabbits, and other critters when I hunt. Saturday I didn't see anything. Frankly it was a little creepy. Anyhow my dog never got birdy.
Sunday the weather turned ugly. When I got up it was 17 degrees and the wind was blowing hard. I was not happy figuring the birds, if we found any, would be jumpy and flushing out of range but this was as much a scouting trip for next year as a hunting trip so off I go with the dog.
First field was a stubble field. The wind was blowing up so much dust I literally couldn't see mush of the time. Bailed on that idea pretty quickly. Headed to another field and walked the stubble but didn't find anything and the dog never got birdy.
Went to the last field I was going to work. Hiked to a blowout in the rear of a pasture. Loki flushed a rooster at an easy 20 yards out. I managed to miss with both barrels.

Much mental cussing at myself... Worked the rest of the blowout and the strip cover back to the road but there were no other birds in there.
At the car decided to work the weeds on the other side real quick. The first thing I flushed was a cottontail. Then a real nice whitetail came up out of the weeds about 400 yards away. Then a rooster flushed wild about 50 yards out. About 10 seconds later 2 more roosters flushed wild but I never had a shot. They flushed hard, caught the tailwind and were gone. I hunted the cover for another 45 minutes and nothing else came out of there.
My eyes were watering from the cold so I threw in the towel and headed home. I was happy to at least have had a chance at a bird. But I think that far south the numbers are even fewer than when I've been in the central part of the state. I still find the landscape beautiful and the people I run into genuine and nice. That was my last trip til January. Thanks NE for the hospitality!