Snake Bite

Trieven Lab

New member
I was thinking of hunting the Glasgow area and wanted to ask how to handle prarie rattle snake bite. Do most of the dogs live and how much $$$ at vet
You can get your dog a rattlesnake vaccine from your vet before hand, 2 shots a month apart to build immunities. Most dogs survive snake bites with proper care from a vet, but antivenom is a bit pricey, and a big lab may need quite a few viles. The vaccine is equivalent to 4 viles of av so even with this the dog needs to go to the vet. The best strategy for anyone regularly hunting rattler territory is to take your dog to rattlesnake avoidance class.
Trieven Lab


I agree I might wait till the colder weather is here. My female is about the same 51 pounds ( 4 ) and she is a wonderful dog. We put a lot of game in the bag. She will point quail or sharps great but sometimes she get a bit too excited. I would like to know how to handle a snake bite in the filed.:cheers:
Keep the dog quiet. You need to slow his heart rate down. Give it some Benedryl. I believe they come in 25mg tabs. Give it 2 or 3. They say don't ice it. If he will drink water give him all he'll take to protect the kidneys. Hopefully you know where the nearest emergency vet clinic is that has antivenin. If you can't find one get to a vet anyway so they can administer fluids. The sooner the better but try to beat 4 hours.

Trust me. You don't want to be in this position.
Thanks for your response I will prepare accordingly. I am lookig forward to a great Hunting season here in Kansas. The pheasants and quail have been good here over the past few years. I am planning to hit the South Dakota opener Oct 16.

Good Hunting !:cheers:
Good luck with your Trieven dogs! That is the kennel I used to run back in 2002-2003. Not to worry too much up in the Glasgow country for rattlers. Tehre are some, but not that many in that area, not as bad as here in SE Montana. Good luck on your hunt. Might even run into you, I will be hunting up in the Malta country later!
