Shot show 2022

If anybody is having interest in the a5 sweet sixteen browning has several new versions out for 2022 if interested go on the browning North America website and take a look at what they have to offer
Browning also has several models of Citori 16 ga Shot Show specials and limited run of 16 ga Citori Feather Superlight.
I want the new Ultimate Sweet Sixteen.

I agree. That's some serious temptation right there.
You've got that right. I'm calling my dealer tomorrow to see if they will get one in and get on the list. It's certainly not a "need" but a serious "WANT"! 😁
You've got that right. I'm calling my dealer tomorrow to see if they will get one in and get on the list. It's certainly not a "need" but a serious "WANT"! 😁
But would you ever use it Zeb? I know im pot calling kettle black is a sweet looking gun!
But would you ever use it Zeb? I know im pot calling kettle black is a sweet looking gun!
Hell yes I'd use it. I'd trade in the new Sweet I have now.
Hell yes I'd use it. I'd trade in the new Sweet I have now.
My problem is that I've used my new Sweet 16 for 5 seasons now, and I'm seriously attached to it.
Can't imagine letting it go, so if I end up getting the new Ultimate, I'd be doubling-up. Which I very well might do!