
New member
okay im officially upset.

this site just discriminate dogs. you guys know i was helping a breeder sell his remaining 7 GSP puppies for 175.00.

apparently they require HIP x-rays before you can post an ad on it.

WHAT???? youre required to post pedigree or your thread will be deleted automatically... since they're so concerned on hip problems, cant post without a vet's clearance. since when?

lets say a child is up for an adaption but shes missing a leg, from a dieases or something but shes healthy, does that mean shes not up for adaption anymore? so now what? shoot her?

dogs should have just about the same right has humans when it comes to this kind of stuff. today i just dislike that site and is gonna close my account there.

heres the read before you post crap. said:
Even though the requirements are stated right under the link to this forum, obviously people are either not reading them or ignoring them.

In order to post a litter or individual dogs here, both parents must have hip certification. You also need to include 2 generations of pedigree. Note that if you have a web site with the required information you can simply post a link.

This isn't an issue up for discussion. I've heard from some that hip certification doesn't guarantee good hips, and I've also heard from some that say I should require more health checks. I'm not trying to dictate what you as a breeder must do, but I am going to dictate minimum requirements for posting here.

I also strongly encourage anyone looking for a pup to ask what health checks have been done. Everyone says their pups are healthy, ask the seller how they know. They also say they are great hunters, and most ads talk about dual quality or dual potential. Sounds great in an ad, but again, buyer beware. When you look at the pedigree of these potential hall of fame dogs, keep in mind that dogs 4 generations back contribute only 6.25% each, 5th generation only 3.125% each to your dog, so if the claim to fame is a couple generations back ask them why they think the pups have such great potential.

I'm not saying there aren't good litters out there that don't have health tests or champions in the 1st generation. What I am saying is that as a buyer, you should make sure you are getting the best pup you can.

Bottom line is, if you post a litter here without the required information, I won't simply delete the post. I will reply to your ad to point out the potential problems in purchasing untested dogs, along with making the point that if the breeder can't even read and follow posting requirements here, do you really want to buy a dog from them?


heres my thread. i dont care.. but the first few people who posted as thread was this... what about HIP x-rays? what? you dont care about the dogs but their hip x-rays?

im done with that GSP site. they have no heart like we do here.
I agree 100% Birdman

The same people that require all those health clearances on their dogs, wouldn't think twics about picking up any old skank at closing time and going home and jumping in the sack with her/him. His/her dog needs health clearnces to have pups but they don't need any to pop out a few kids.

I would close my account too
I agree 100% Birdman

The same people that require all those health clearances on their dogs, wouldn't think twics about picking up any old skank at closing time and going home and jumping in the sack with her/him. His/her dog needs health clearnces to have pups but they don't need any to pop out a few kids.

I would close my account too

Helluvan analogy Onpoint! Humorous, yet most likely very accurate.


Thanks for letting us know about this. I've always felt that folks put too much focus on papers when it comes to bird dogs, but that's a topic for another thread.

They will NOT be getting my support I can assure you. I understand the guy feels the need to be blunt, but he took it to the level of unprofessional jerk immediately. It's all about the $ baby!
I think it is more important to know your breeder more than a piece of paper. If people would get to know the breeders and how they are with their dogs, they would do better. I know when i met my breeder, one of the first questions they asked me was whether the dog would be kept in the house or not. They cared so much for the dogs that they would not sell to anyone who was not going to keep the dog in the house. To me, this said alot about how they cared for their dogs and how they cared for all dogs.
How can you sit there and type that post birdman?
birdman said:
Insulting the breed? Really?

do you think you have the perfect dogs??? no one does.. but they are special to you no matter what health problems they develop... am i wrong?? seriously?
It's what keeps the breed I and so many love capable of performing the function it was created for.
I didn't know special was synonymous with breedable.

Read up on genotype and phenotype.

Hips are not a guarentee in this breed - anyone who believes that is either ignorant or trying to sell something w/o the added expense and trouble of guaranteeing their product.

Your friend is going on an assumption.

I wish him and you the best with the pups. But the readers of this forum should know your friends litter has little to back up health,temperment and performance. 175 is still 175 - it ain't that cheap.

One of the reasons I have DKs is b/c of the breeding regulations. A dog can not be bred w/o qualifying hips. This means every dog bred in the system and every dog before them has qalifying hips. And you know what - it still occurs. It's less than 1% - but it's out there.

Careful breeding is what keeps the numbers low.

best wishes,

wow.. doesnt she seem stuck up miss perfect?

she just said hips arent guaranteed so why require it if they arent? they can develop at any age. so i said, if one of your "perfect" dogs develop hip problems in say 6 weeks from now to 7 years, you gonna tell your dog you cant have this diease and that youre gonna shoot your precious dog bc he/she isnt perfect anymore?

what is this world coming to?

again like onpoint stated... people like her shouldnt be breeding kids!
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I agree 100% Birdman

The same people that require all those health clearances on their dogs, wouldn't think twics about picking up any old skank at closing time and going home and jumping in the sack with her/him. His/her dog needs health clearnces to have pups but they don't need any to pop out a few kids.

I would close my account too

Great analogy Onpoint :thumbsup:

I think birdman is bringing up whats happening IMO in the dog hunting community not just in the upland but also in the duck hunting community.
I find it discouraging (but not surprising) that the post from the person defending this advertising practice--which I happen to agree with 100%--was deleted from the board.

Which moderator did that? And why?

This is pretty simple folks. It's common practice amongst serious dog people to require some evidence of breeding and health factors specific to the breed. There are LARGE #'s of people who would not buy a dog without such evidence even if they had seen the dogs work firsthand.

Me included.

Been a long time since I poked around that website but I can say the people who used to run it were concerned about the breed.

There are plenty of good dogs being bred out there. If your friend decided to undertake a breeding without such evidence to help in the sale, then I and many others would have suggested they better have buyers for the pups lined up beforehand, as there are going to be a lot of people who would not want them without such evidence.

I'm the first guy to complain about prices of some breedings, but I can tell you a dog that becomes a valued member of the family and doesn't work out as a bird dog or develops a health problem is not worth a few hundred bucks saved on the front end.
There are LARGE #'s of people who would not buy a dog without such evidence even if they had seen the dogs work firsthand.

Me included.

one was spoken for which was me, now 2 just got spoken for. there are now 5 avail. this is the breeder's 4th litter... every litter got sold within a month and a half. good deal, id reserve one today or go see them asap. he said usually he had buyers a week they were born and all spoken for. just 4th week, 5 are still avail!
To each his own I guess Birdman. I know an old gentleman out in the Flint Hills of Kansas that has some of the best shorthairs I have ever laid eyes on and have hunted with them. Not one has papers!!!! Or for that matter any OFA's. I would buy a dog from him any day, but if I wanted to breed that dog, I would probably have trouble selling the pups. Not for 175 though!! I still have trouble believing there are dogs available for that. Maybe he should ask 350 and they would all sell quicker?????? I am sure those dogs are good damn dogs, especially if someone takes the time to properly train them. Champion dogs can come from any breeding! The odds do go up with Higher I.C. Pups. Don't let the Man or in this case the Woman get you down!! If that breeding had all you can ask for , then by all means stick up for your dog and breeder.
heck until this year I was selling my britt for 150.00 male or female I raised the prices becouse everything else went up so I had to but no matter how cheap or expensive a dog is still a dog you can have excellent cheap dogs and you can have crap expensive dogs IMO
and papers are just that paper it doesnt mean your dog will be as good as the hall of famer in the pedigree but it has the potential you still are responsible for how it turns out papers or not