Shed hunting

I've found a few in my day.




wow...and i thought my bf was obsessed! i went for about 30 minutes today while on a lunch break and didn't find anything! :-(
We have any area by the farm where the deer have "yarded up" and there is now about 250 of them. Looks like a cattle feed lot out there. The are pretty much hanging in one half section and I am thinking this should be a good area to go find sheds. Local tells me there are 3 good shooters in that herd.

Any suggestions/tips on shed hunting??. It's near a refuge and you cannot access under any conditions but they come out to feed.
Uguide, the best place to find the sheds are where the deer spend most of their time.
Bedding areas are best, But not good to go in tough Winter conditions.
No need adding more stress to the deer.
I see where you say there is no access, reckon that's why.

Trails to and from feeding areas are good. Do they cross fences? Might find a shed at the crossings. Going over or under fences will knock off a lose bone.

After the bedding areas the next best is the feeding areas. Deer are active, spend some time feeding and will jar off a antler.
Too bad you can't go in there later Chris, that sounds like a great spot. Maybe you can get permission some how in a month or so. The nice thing is many of the trails are used non stop, so it is nice to get on them before the melt. Narrows the search. Other wise the above has you covered. Thick Brushy edges they move through are good spots too.
Thanks guys, those are some excellent tips and pointers. The deer spend an inordinate amout of time out feeding due to low food supply and are largely undisturbed. It is near a federal refuge which is why there is no access.
Here is what I do with my sheds that I find. When I get bored in the off season of course.
i was out cotyote hunting in january with some people and blackcloud27 thought while hunting he would go looking for sheds in deep snow, while looking for sheds he saw a coyote and he didnt bring his gun with him:rolleyes:
Thanks guys, those are some excellent tips and pointers. The deer spend an inordinate amout of time out feeding due to low food supply and are largely undisturbed. It is near a federal refuge which is why there is no access.

Well, we did make time to go in that spot i was referring to and spend a few hours hunting sheds. I found 3 sheds and they were all out in open volunteer wheat field (where deer spent most of time). A nice shooter 5X5 shed, small 5X5 and a small 4X4. Just one side of course. I combed the edge of refuge and trails to/from and surpised to find no other sheds. Deer have spread back out now but managed to kick a herd of 30 out of refuge and they just went out in that same wheat field and started feeding. That half section wintered 250 deer. Amazing.