Sept. 24th opner of waterfowl season in Minnesota


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Finally they are going to open the season when it should have been in the first place.

I plan on being there . Can't miss out on tasty Teal.
its about time. its a one day shoot and last year not many kids were out so i'm pretty sure there will still be plenty of birds around on the opener. The early season goose hunters chase away more birds than the youth opener.
I can tell you this, the wild rice harvesters chase plenty of birds out. They cover every inch of good cover beating rice off against the boat. We will never prevent all the things that disturb the birds. Everybody has different needs of our natural resource.
The early goose season sends our ducks out of state, I think what we do now mostly is raise more ducks for ND.
the farmers and local resident hunters i've talked to in sd do feel that since the numbers of local/resident geese have flourished it has brought more hunters to the state. Along with that most people feel that the LOCAL ducks will move out due to the pressure. You can't please everyone!!! I still see people in wminn and even in sdak and ndak hunt over water for resident geese. If you stay off the roost during the early goose hunts the ducks will have a place to rest and they will stick around. Looking forward to another great hunting season. be safe everyone and please remember to clean up after yourselves when you leave your field. Nothing pisses farmers off more than pop bottles, plastic bags and shell casings lying out in thier fields. Please be respectful is all i'm sayen.
I can tell you this, the wild rice harvesters chase plenty of birds out. They cover every inch of good cover beating rice off against the boat. We will never prevent all the things that disturb the birds. Everybody has different needs of our natural resource.

Yea but that is a very small portion of people out, state wide, especialy public land, early season hunting for the youth and geese do disturb quite a bit of hunting. I support youth, but I also think that this could also be pass shooting away from water to give all, a good opener every where.