I'd been down in the bottom cutting trees and making cover for the birds and I'd come up to the barn and put all the stuff away and was just walking up to the house and I heard this scream of sorts and looked towards the house and seen what I thought was a robin being chased by a coopers hawk. I mean he was hot on his tail and the "robin" was doing all he could to evade the talons of the hawk. Well I looked around the barn just in time to see them both nose dive into my 4 acre field of Big Blue and Indian grass. I walked up to where I though they went down and took off at a dead run to flush the hawk. Sure enough I got about 10 feet or so from him and up he came empty handed. I looked around for feathers and didn't see any and was just about to go back to the house and took a few more steps and up came a Quail. He was unhurt and flying great!! Sure glad he made it. This was my first time ever witnessing a hawk chasing a Quail.