See you at the show!


New member
Hey Everyone,

I'll be down at the Sportman's Show tomorrow night working the Pheasant's Forever booth. If you're around, come say hello; maybe I can talk you into a membership. :)

No, in all seriousness, I'm just glad to see so many new faces on the website and in the field. Unless us sportsman continue to stick together and recruit newbies, we'll find ourselves with willing minds and dogs, but not much access to land. PF and so many other organizations (Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, etc.) have helped preserve and enhance millions of acres for us to enjoy. That beautiful swithcgrass and thosedense shelterbelts you love hunting; most of it was planted with the help of PF. Imagine if it was all gone. Most of the birds would be too.

If you can help out with a donation, great. If not, maybe you can donate some time to the effort. If not to PF, perhaps another organization that is just as worthy. But if not, that's okay too. I'm sure at some point you'll do your part.

Take care everyone and enjoy those unforgettable moments outdoors!

Sorry Maynard.

The International Sportsman's show. Thursday through Sunday down at the Denver Convention Center. Unless you're in the area, you may just wnat to go hunting.
Sportsman Show

Hey Chad, what time are you getting down there? I'm heading over noonish and staying until ?? and was definitely planning to stop by the PF booth to get a sign up form for the March 26 banquet.

Any other Denver forum members going on Thursday?
Hey Everyone,

I'll be down at the Sportman's Show tomorrow night working the Pheasant's Forever booth. If you're around, come say hello; maybe I can talk you into a membership. :)

No, in all seriousness, I'm just glad to see so many new faces on the website and in the field. Unless us sportsman continue to stick together and recruit newbies, we'll find ourselves with willing minds and dogs, but not much access to land. PF and so many other organizations (Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, etc.) have helped preserve and enhance millions of acres for us to enjoy. That beautiful swithcgrass and thosedense shelterbelts you love hunting; most of it was planted with the help of PF. Imagine if it was all gone. Most of the birds would be too.

If you can help out with a donation, great. If not, maybe you can donate some time to the effort. If not to PF, perhaps another organization that is just as worthy. But if not, that's okay too. I'm sure at some point you'll do your part.

Take care everyone and enjoy those unforgettable moments outdoors!


Too many birds to chase. Say, hey to Bobby and Dolly....I'm sure they would rather be with me out in the field. I'm a 2010-2011 Supporter and I'm all paid up.
Have fun and make sure you keep your hands washed or you'll be one sick puppy after the show. Tell Bob his boat is all charged up .
I won't be at the show this year, however I will be at the Metro Denver PF banquet (I was last year). I am a PF member and will be renewing. I am hoping that the Colorado springs chapter has a banquet as well.

I will definately be at the ahoq through out the weekend. Stop by the pf booth, we have some great raffles going for the state habitat meeting in Feb! Also the springs is having their banquet Feb 19th!
Hey Chad, Nice meeting you at the Pheasants Forever booth Thursday night. Now I've got a face to go with Chadsbritt. Bob Hix from Pheasants Forever made a nice presentation and has another one scheduled for 10:30 Sunday.

One of the bright spots in Bob's talk was that Colorado did very well in the recent CRP enrollment. And as part of that enrollment, much of the CRP in CO is going to have to be upgraded by the farmers so that should help the birds.

And Rman, I signed up for the March PF banquet, my third in a row, so we'll have to check back prior to then to see how to meet up. I'm hoping we can get some more UPH forum members to sign up and attend.
Hey Chad, Nice meeting you at the Pheasants Forever booth Thursday night. Now I've got a face to go with Chadsbritt. Bob Hix from Pheasants Forever made a nice presentation and has another one scheduled for 10:30 Sunday.

One of the bright spots in Bob's talk was that Colorado did very well in the recent CRP enrollment. And as part of that enrollment, much of the CRP in CO is going to have to be upgraded by the farmers so that should help the birds.

And Rman, I signed up for the March PF banquet, my third in a row, so we'll have to check back prior to then to see how to meet up. I'm hoping we can get some more UPH forum members to sign up and attend.

It's always nice puting a face with the name. Glad we had the opportunity to chat. Maybe we can get out sometime this year. Time is running short, but we'll see. If not this year, next year for sure. I wish I was out there right now. This snow would have been great!