Second favorite pet

Ok lets say the dr. said you can never be around a dog again because of health reasons:eek: First I would tell him he's full of s*#@:D What would be the animal you would choose to replace man best friend? I'm thinking I would choose a goat:eek: I've always enjoyed messing with them and I think they enjoy it. Then again I might not handle it well when I see him on top of my vehicle:)
Aaahhh!!! Chupa cabra pup! Lol. Good one 1pheas4.:D Seriously though I might be able to train a pine martin or bobcat to hunt for me, but getting it to kennel might be tough.:eek:
i want a falcon. I could teach him to hold untill i miss twice.

Yea I have always wanted one of those. Especially for the times when I am holding an empty gun and the bird is still flying.
I say an Elephant it could carry my fat butt around while scaring up Pheasants for me to shoot :thumbsup:
I would get a Ferret, then train it to bring me what it steals, chickens, pheasant and whatever.......Bob
I would get a Ferret, then train it to bring me what it steals, chickens, pheasant and whatever.......Bob

That's a good one Bob:thumbsup:. I've seen those things used for hunting rabbits in Britten. They stick those guys in rabbit holes and they chase the bunny's out of their holes and into a net:) --1pheas4
I say an Elephant it could carry my fat butt around while scaring up Pheasants for me to shoot :thumbsup:

What size e-collar does he take? Probably need 120 volt battery.
I was thinking camel but I think I like the elephant better, they can make water retrieves.