Season is over already


New member
The end of the birds season sure came up fast. I got to hunt some but not as much as most seasons.

Think I am going to try to put together a highlight video for the season. Something to remember as pretty forgettable bird season, bird numbers wise.

How was your season, any highlights?
Upland highlight:

I found a few quail around Manhattan this year, which was a huge relief after last year. I didn't shoot any, but at least I know wild quail are not extinct. After last season, I was starting to wonder...:eek:

Here's hoping they have a good Spring and Summer, and I find "harvestable" numbers of them next season!:cheers:

Waterfowl highlight:

Made Goose jerky for the first time. It was like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!:thumbsup: Really hoping to blast a couple more before the season ends in a week!

Deer highlight:

Took my daughter out a few times during archery season to sit with me in our buddy stand. She seemed to enjoy it, and is excited to tag along again next season.:thumbsup:

I've been spending my Fridays lately clearing a 20 yard radius around a big cottonwood I hung the stand on after the season ended. (this season's location wasn't ideal) I got a load of good firewood out of it so far, and hopefully the food plot I put in will draw good numbers of deer for us next season. That's the plan, anyway...
Hey Toad,
You mind sharing your recipe for goose jerky? Fixing to go out Sunday, would like to try it. Thanks
It seem like yesterday I was so anxious for opening day and now all of the sudden it's over.

I think I missed 2 saturdays the entire season. I hunted upland more this year than I ever have.
It was a sad, sad year for me. My closest dependable buddy never went out once. Bird numbers were low enough to make a guy bawl. I barely got past 50% of the days I hunted that I killed birds. Never killed more than 2 birds in a day. Still have 4 young dogs looking to point their first wild bird. UGH!
Hey Toad,
You mind sharing your recipe for goose jerky? Fixing to go out Sunday, would like to try it. Thanks

I'm not quite the gourmet chef.

I sliced the partially frozen breasts about 1/4" thick, added the proper amount of spices, cure, and water, and marinated it about 12 hours in the fridge in a big zip-lock. Two or three times I pulled it out and rolled the bag around to mix up the contents. Then I put it in the dehydrator until it was leathery. Taking it out on time makes a big difference, I think. Some of the ends and scraps got REALLY dehydrated, like cardboard. Leather=good, cardboard=bad.

I sprinkled pepper on some of it before it went in the dehydrator, but it was good both ways.

I can't remember the brand of the seasoning I used for the marinade, but it was "wild game jerky seasoning" of some kind. I think I got it at orscheln or menards. I'm not sure the brand matters a whole lot. I think the super-lean goose meat just makes awesome jerky.

Good luck!
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My upland highlight was seeing my best friend on his first upland hunt ever, come with us up to Kansas, and first field, first shot, first bird, bagged a nice rooster! I dropped him off at my taxidermist on Saturday. I also got into about 5 coveys of quail yesterday here in the lone star state! Felt good to get on some quail in Texas again!

Waterfowl: shot a nice hooded merganser last weekend, a few ringnecks and a few gadwalls and a bufflehead that drowned itself. I've only shot one other duck ever, so it was a lot of fun.

My deer highlight was my dad shooting his first buck ever this year. A real nice 8pt, I'm taking him to get mounted this weekend. I also shot a decent 8 but I was way more happy for my dad.
season's end

didn't go the last couple of days, think i blew it, didn't realize they had snow till it was too late, probably would have shot the hell out of them, at least enjoyed seeing some tracks in the snow. for me, i had a pleasantly nice season, while i didn't on most days see as many birds, but because it was mostly just me and my highly trained and efficient mutts, got to shoot at a few more than normal as i didn't have to share with anybody except the time i took pastor john and he wasn't about to decimate any flocks of pheasant anyway. saw far more roosters than hens and shot very few young birds but no real long tails either, just sharp spurs. all in all, it wasn't too bad a time to be alive, with the dogs, being outside. just loved it. if there were a downside, i guess it was what the drought has done to the cover birds and other wildlife need to survive, however at least to date the winter weather has been mild with mostly only one more month to go, with the fat that was on my birds, they should make it, let's hope so
