
quail hound

Anybody ever chase any ruffies up in the northwest? If I don't get my sage permit this year I'll be heading up to the Humboldt area to try to find some pa'tridge. Theres also blues and the valley quail opens early up there also so possibly a mixed bag. Sooty,would you be interested? my brothers getting married in September so I doubt he'll be making the long haul with me.:D
Either way sounds like a win win to me QH. Good luck:)
Yep, that's my thoughts exactly. Either way it'll be a change of scenery from what I'm used to. I really hope I get my sage permit because I'm not sure how much longer we'll have a season out here.

If I head north (way north) for ruffs and south for some desert quail I this year I will travel almost 1000mi north to south in this big state this year!