rubber boots

this site needs some life. anyway, planning a trip to Bismarck on nov. 17th for pheasants. am I likely to need rubber boots and if so, what height are you guys wearing. never been there before, need info

Do you think the pheasants are in the water...perhaps near? Would let the dog slog through the water, if necessary. Stick to the higher ground...
The best ones to buy in my mind are muck brand. Very comfortable for long walks. Almost every field trial person I know wears them. I have worn them all day judging and hunting. Neoprene uppers. high calf. Good till it gets real cold.
I have the Muck Uplanders. They are shorter. I used them at some field trials this spring when it was wet. Not bad, dry feet and they were pretty comfortable for a rubber boot.
I wear Lacrosse Grange non insulated. They run about a size large and I even put arch supports in them for more comfort and support. I also have a pair of 800 gram insulated Lacrosse boots when it is real cold, but they are heavy.
Yeah I would have a pair of rubber boots along. Lacrosse works well for me. I use some good wool socks inside.
Wet, melty snow, heavy morning frost, wet areas in the grasslands, sloughs etc.
If conditions are right for your normal hunting boots, (might be), wear them. :thumbsup:
I use some good wool socks inside.

And...not me of course...but some guys bring an additional pair of wool socks for those (very rare) times when you put a foot with a 16inch boot into a slough-hole that is 24 inches deep.

Hardly ever happens, honest.

I wear Lacrosse Grange non insulated. They run about a size large and I even put arch supports in them for more comfort and support. I also have a pair of 800 gram insulated Lacrosse boots when it is real cold, but they are heavy.

I use the exact same combo here (even down to the arch supports).
I have found roosters in the sloughs , wet and cat tails head high. Cant beat the muck uplanders in my opinion. I wear them to ND in early october every year.
Fifty thousand UPH'ers can't be wrong. :eek:

I'm getting me a pair of Mucks. :cheers:
Mucks for me. They are specific to a few spots where the birds hang between Russian olive and ponds. Can be very wet there, and it gets covered in birds. I have to walk it if I want a shot because they high tail it over the ponds every flush. Comfortable too, with a thick wool sock.

I'm going to be in MT next week, anyplace you want me to check on. :cheers:

You can get a good deal on Muck Uplanders on ebay right now. I bought the lace ups and they seem comfortable, but I haven't hunted with them yet. There are a pair of 9s on there now for 29 bucks. I've been taking several pair of boots out there the last few years because I get sick of hunting with wet feet. I bought a Peet boot dryer too, and for me, that is an indispensable gadget. Good luck finding the right ones.