Roundup is hazardous to your helath

The European GMO,( gene modified organism), ban has been modified due to a lawsuit filed by the US with the World Trade Org. European Union is accepting a certain percentage of GM DNA, ( .5%), in livestock feeds, and prepared foods, marketed. U.S. trade delegation, and I quote," will bang on the door,till the EU allows the GMO products." U.S. and Argentina produce 80% of the GMO crops worldwide. EU lost the case because there has been a lack of research which indicates a risk with GMO crops, not because there is research to prove they are safe. Research and testing has repeatedly been rebuffed by Monsanto and their minions. At work within you and without you, better living through gene modification and chemicals!!!!
Is that why I am so tired every night? I thought it was from carrying around all the bags of money modern ag pratices allow a farmer to make. At least I will be in shape for hunting season.[/QUOTE]

I know that with nearly 8.00 corn and 13.50 soybeans as of Friday, if you aren't booking a serious profit you should really evaluate what your doing. On the other hand I deal with livestock customers everyday who according to their schedule F would have been money ahead, with todays land prices, to have sold out and be a greeter at Walmart over the last 10 years. Just now starting to see livestock and milk prices get where there's at least a living. Wasn't long ago the grain farmers were in the same place, 3.00 corn and deficiency payments for a few years don't feed the bulldog.
Wasn't long ago the grain farmers were in the same place, 3.00 corn and deficiency payments for a few years don't feed the bulldog.

And that day will come again. Unfortunatly to many producers are not increasing there cash position in these bountiful times.
I think corn is 6$ per bushel min. Corn going even higher is more likely then dropping to 6$.
Here's why. Ethanol will use 5-6 billion bushels during 11.
China, SK, Indonesia, VN, and all those developing people over there are hungry and love our GM corn.:cool:
Look for the US to have a "short" overall corn crop for 011.

The thing with EU is totally political.
I would agree we will have good prices for a while. But the 3-4 dollar days will return.
Kansas City, UDSA spot truck delivery yellow corn Friday last 7.87-7.92 bid, current crop. Forward delivery north of 6.80. Looks like 8.00 corn to me! national report forecast off about 10% off previous estimates, loss of 400,000 acres along Mississippi, and eminenet flooding along the Missouri. National reserves estimated at 15 days, AFTER harvest!