Rio bismuth for 16 gauge

I've been looking into the Rio Bismuth for use in my new (to me) BL-4. Are there pressure issues with non-steel non-tox shells I should be concerned about? Or is the rule just don't shoot steel for old guns? Sorry if this is a hijack, if so I'll start another thread.
Shotgun blows up with Rio ammo

You have probably seen this before, but check out this article about rio ammo blowing up an ou shotgun.
When Shotguns (or Ammo) Go Boom - The Truth About Guns
Aug 11, 2014 - I caution everyone to think twice before using Rio Ammo due to the threat of .... Fortunately it didn't have enough force to explode the gun.

I just got two boxes delivered. Hope I did the right thing. Hard to believe a shotgun shell could do that kind of damage. It's an interesting read with various differing opinions about what happened.
Rio makes good ammo. I've shot thousands this year and would hate to try and guess how many are fired at clays on any given weekend across America. I wouldn't hurry about one gun that blew up that happened to have rio ammo in it.
No worryies

No, I'm not too concerned about it. I was amazed at the damage though. Especially the hole in the roof.
What ever happened there looks cataclysmic, I wish I could of seen it in person (from a safe distance), I saw dad blow up the barrel on a bps, pretty crazy looking when it went down, like all the people were saying in the article, it was about half way down the barrel.