Dakota, with my buddy Herb, and our one hard fought pheasant of the weekend.
It was tough out there ... more hunters than birds. Saturday was a zoo ... Doubtful that I will ever go again on opening day. There were caravans of hunters speeding around everywhere, teams of line hunters spread all the way across fields - not my cup of tea. Saturday was the worst, but Sunday was much better in terms of numbers.
Dakota and Blitz put one rooster up on Saturday - I shot it, saw feather, saw it go down, but could not find it. The dogs and I searched for 10 min ... would have expanded my search, but we had two groups of hunters nearby.
Sunday was a bust until late afternoon, then we hit the corners of a remote pivot. Dakota tracked a rooster to the very tip of the corner and my buddy shot it. We worked the next corner and Dakota put up a hen. Moving down to the next corner, Dakota and I were fighting through some thick cover when a rooster flushed - I couldn't take a shot since I was still hung up in the tall cover. On our way back, Dakota headed off into some cut corn where he pointed and flushed another hen.
On the last hunt of the day, we went along a dry creek which was full of cactus and Herb spent half the time pulling cactus needles out of his dog's feet, then pulled out a dozen or more once we were done - meanwhile we heard a rooster cackling in the field that we had just hunted.
.... and that was our weekend.
It was a good weekend, but crowds just aren't my thing.
Finally - the Super 8 in Sterling is disgusting. I should have slept in the truck. The bed hadn't been changed, there was yack on the fridge, Miller moths in the overhead lights, non-smoking room smelled like the chain-smoker's suite, etc. I could go on. Fortunately the towels were clean and I put them over the pillows. I'm not a fancy hotel kind of guy ... but, I expect for the room to be clean.