
10 years ago we all had stories like this....that's a long time ago and a lot has changed.

No doubt...yes, one thing that changed is where I hunt. My boy and I are really looking forward to hunting SD this season. He's 12 now, so he only remembers seeing birds from the combine and/or pickup truck, while he was waiting with his mom/grampa at the end of a pass. The years he's carried a shotgun in KS have been years of slim pickin's. I'm hoping he sees his first 10 bird flush (while carrying a shotgun anyway) this season:thumbsup:
Man, how depressing..... 2009 was my last year up there. Almost got stuck on one of those "gravel" roads on day 2. We were out west of Rush Center and it got nasty in a hurry. When I made it to the blacktop (barely), I hit the gas and didn't look back.... Apparently, I haven't missed much in the way of bird hunting since. I guess 2010 was pretty decent, but it was starting to interfere with my time in the treestand. That's usually about the best weekend to be in the woods.

I would love to go back, but would not spend the money or the time if I didn't feel like we could get into some birds. We hunted opening weekend in
'97, '01-09'

We sure had some good hunts in there. All on WIHA!

I still quail hunt a lot down here in OK and have a nice place to hunt, so that's what gets me through.

In 2004, we found a WIHA about mid day down around Kinsley on opening day. Finished a four man limit there. We were getting ready to leave as the cackling started (right before dark). The birds poured out of an uncut milo field for 15 minutes and landed to roost in a CRP field. It was incredible. It's the most birds I've seen in one field. We had it to ourselves on Sunday morning and it was about a half of a section. The four of us slowly worked that field back and forth. Never left. Killed 16 more birds there. Went back Monday morning and it was wet and cold. We hunted for about an hour until we were sopping wet. Seems like that one pass yielded about 5 or 6 birds and we were done. Couldn't take anymore. The good old days.....

Maybe if we keep talking about it and longing for those days we can will them back into existence:D The only way to look at this, and most other things in life, is optimistically. If I believe KS bird #'s weren't going to recover at some point in the future, it'd quickly change the way I feel about living here and the plan I've set for my family's future.
You can always look at it this way....there was a time when no pheasants existed here. They'll be back.
We are still better of bird number wise than most any other state. One of the few states left that you can still get permission to hunt private land.

And thats one of the things our state government does not understand. A lot of folks come to hunt here just for the reason it's easier to get permission on private land. Nothing like it used to be but it can still be done.

In the areas I hunt bird numbers are up, cover looks great and so does the future.
We are still better of bird number wise than most any other state. One of the few states left that you can still get permission to hunt private land.

And thats one of the things our state government does not understand. A lot of folks come to hunt here just for the reason it's easier to get permission on private land. Nothing like it used to be but it can still be done.

In the areas I hunt bird numbers are up, cover looks great and so does the future.

Agreed duckn66...i am seeing same thing in my area..heck i have even seen a few in the areas of ne kansas that i was dove hunting in which tells me if i am seeing a few birds in areas that i havent seen any in during the last 6 or 7 years then the numbers have to be up farther west.
For all intents and purposes, I'm going to continue to support the "sky is falling" mentality publicly. Last year was great (by that I mean, it was easy to find an open field that didn't have paths worn in it), but once people figure out where the isolated populations (pockets) exist, we'll be overrun with people. I invested heavily in my fuel tank to find new areas after SW and Central KS fell flat and I don't mind being viewed as selfish at this stage in my life;)
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I am right there with you kb..just remember we are still going on that hunt as soon as you get back from sd and have that free weekend lol
Early to Mid December looks good for me! In fact, anytime in Dec/Jan is open if you already have a w/e in mind. There will be some decent hunting in parts of KS this season:cheers:
where to go

you are not being selfish, heck, your problem is you got the wrong kinda dogs for someone to want to go hunting with you anyway. I expect to find birds, always have and I will this year also, just a couple less is all

Early to Mid December looks good for me! In fact, anytime in Dec/Jan is open if you already have a w/e in mind. There will be some decent hunting in parts of KS this season:cheers:

That works for me..i will look at my calender and let you know..this is my last saturday off this weekend til the opener and i will be spending it taking my wife to the pheasants forever youth and novice women pheasant hunt at eckmans..she is excited as all get out to go this saturday which i have to admit i am excited to watch her get a chance to bag her first pheasant. It will be good practice for her as she has never experienced the flush of a pheasant beneath her Feet while hunting with a gun is a very nice thing the local chapter is doing for inexperienced youth and women hunters..totally free for them where they get instruction and a one hour guided hunt ...we will have to see who is more excited between her and i hahaha..but yes a fumn december hunt in the area you and i know about sounds like greaaaaat times
you are not being selfish, heck, your problem is you got the wrong kinda dogs for someone to want to go hunting with you anyway. I expect to find birds, always have and I will this year also, just a couple less is all


So GSP's aren't good upland dogs?

We got birds (at least a bird) every time we gave it an honest effort last season.
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That works for me..i will look at my calender and let you know..this is my last saturday off this weekend til the opener and i will be spending it taking my wife to the pheasants forever youth and novice women pheasant hunt at eckmans..she is excited as all get out to go this saturday which i have to admit i am excited to watch her get a chance to bag her first pheasant. It will be good practice for her as she has never experienced the flush of a pheasant beneath her Feet while hunting with a gun is a very nice thing the local chapter is doing for inexperienced youth and women hunters..totally free for them where they get instruction and a one hour guided hunt ...we will have to see who is more excited between her and i hahaha..but yes a fumn december hunt in the area you and i know about sounds like greaaaaat times

My son and I attended an event like this last year. It is great they do things like this. Don't forget to drop 'em a donation if you can. That's the only way they'll be able to offer it to someone else's son/wife/daughter next year:thumbsup:

We should both call into work the first time is snows in December:cheers:
That works for me..i will look at my calender and let you know..this is my last saturday off this weekend til the opener and i will be spending it taking my wife to the pheasants forever youth and novice women pheasant hunt at eckmans..she is excited as all get out to go this saturday which i have to admit i am excited to watch her get a chance to bag her first pheasant. It will be good practice for her as she has never experienced the flush of a pheasant beneath her Feet while hunting with a gun is a very nice thing the local chapter is doing for inexperienced youth and women hunters..totally free for them where they get instruction and a one hour guided hunt ...we will have to see who is more excited between her and i hahaha..but yes a fumn december hunt in the area you and i know about sounds like greaaaaat times

Good to hear you will be coming out to Eckmans for the youth/Ladies hunt. I volunteer out there every year, so don't forget to say hay to me when you are out there. I am the really big, bald guy with the goatie, not sure what station I will be working this year, but you can't miss me.

Also I think we might have a few spots left available if anyone wants to sign up for this event. it is pretty great event and totally free!. Visit the Johnson County PF website and contact us to see to se if we can squeeze you in.
Good to hear you will be coming out to Eckmans for the youth/Ladies hunt. I volunteer out there every year, so don't forget to say hay to me when you are out there. I am the really big, bald guy with the goatie, not sure what station I will be working this year, but you can't miss me.

Also I think we might have a few spots left available if anyone wants to sign up for this event. it is pretty great event and totally free!. Visit the Johnson County PF website and contact us to see to se if we can squeeze you in.

I will absolutely say hi to you..i look forward to going and also helping out any way i can..i will have my very bright blaze orange and chartreuse green browning hat on lol

My son and I attended an event like this last year. It is great they do things like this. Don't forget to drop 'em a donation if you can. That's the only way they'll be able to offer it to someone else's son/wife/daughter next year:thumbsup:

We should both call into work the first time is snows in December:cheers:

Cough cough oh yeah i can already feel a chest cold coming on sometime in december hahaha...i am already chomping at the bit to head out the friday before opening weekend which is just 39 short days away..that's right ONLY 39 MORE DAYS!!!
Have taken the Friday before the opener off for 15 or so years. Always do a morning duck hunt, then head west. One of the joys of being self employed, I get sick all the time when a little snow falls or a cold front pushed in new birds.
Have taken the Friday before the opener off for 15 or so years. Always do a morning duck hunt, then head west. One of the joys of being self employed, I get sick all the time when a little snow falls or a cold front pushed in new birds.

That damn Bird Flu is just tough to get rid of!!!:D