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New member
We had one great day and one rough day with the recent warm temps. The dogs don't like it at 60+ degrees! We did shoot a gorgeous blonde rooster, the pics don't do him justice. I think the kids enjoyed the warm weather!



Always great too see the kids involved. Great job. Thanks:coolpics:
jcneng, that blonde rooster you harvested.
Could it also possibility be described as part Golden Pheasant? (please google if unsure of what one looks like)

I was told many years ago Nebraska had a huntable population of Golden Pheasant.
I am not saying a pure breed but maybe some sort of hybrid.
Not part golden. I see at least one of these every year in SD. Usually not as nice as that one . Nice mature bird there. I usually see them in the Artesian Fedora area, but the one we had this year was near Doland. Also had one of those morphadite birds--rooster head hen body no spurs. My batteries went out but I had the morph on the cell phone but screwed up and did not get it saved. Both were young birds. I do have a wreath with the blonde type bird.
Hav also seen three oddly blue birds, all on one piece of ground.
Great Report

Great report. Looks like you guys had a great time. Hope the youngsters knocked a few down. That is a wonderful picture. Thanks for posting!