I just made motel reservations for a hunt this fall with some people from a local pointer club. I'll be gone for about 14 days and we'll be hunting in the middle of nowhere and doing a lot of driving on a daily basis. It's also a 2 day drive up and back to get there. How people feed raw during the season is beyond me. Not sure how you pack it or keep it cold let alone frozen and then screw with it when you and the dogs are dead ass tired at the end of the day. If you have the storage and "want to".....good for you but I'll be backing a large bag of performance kibble, a variety of food toppers and a fresh box of fortiflora. I'll take maybe 2 coolers. One for my premade meals that I can heat up and the other for cold drinks, then I'll use them both to bring the birds back home.
Not criticizing or saying it's wrong.....just saying that I'm too lazy to carry frozen meat around and don't have enough space in my small truck for it all regardless.
Relative to dog food companies and research....they control it and the older I get the less I trust any of them. Let's face it...they buy on price, substitute ingredients when it benefits them and only make us aware of research results that help them sell more of a specific product. I admit to being ignorant but how can you say that one companies chicken by products or ground corn are a better quality than somebody else's and what condition is the meat or other ingredients in when it is delivered to them for processing? I don't think we want to know. How long did the product sit at the factory, loading dock or inside the tractor trailer before getting to the distributor and then how long did it sit there before going to the feed or pet store? I don't have a clue but I probably wouldn't like the answer.
Purina has been the gold standard for industry research and dog food products for decades. Pro Plan is the food most others are measured against in the hunting dog and field trial world and I had to stop feeding it because I found worms and bugs in different bags of food. The sort of thing that turns a man into a full blown cynic but it is what it is. We all have to fed our dogs something, so we do the best we can on what we know and assume that dog food price equals quality or is "better" to some extent.