My Thanksgiving hunt ( review)
Day one, Friday the 26th. I duck Hunted in the morning with a friend of mine in Sioux falls. By the time we got the decoys picked up and back to the truck it was 1:30 ish. Left Sioux falls and headed Northwest. Finally about 3:30 I decided I would Hunt a small WPA because I hadn't found anything that looked better, and time was running short. It was mostly water with road on two sides and cattails and grass on the other two. Cut corn surrounding that. One side produce nothing, the other side Moe my setter found two roosters. A 3rd rooster flushed right at the dead bird of the second retrieve. It surprised me and flew out over the ice and I didn't shoot at it. So the first day we saw three roosters killed two.
Second day Saturday. The 27th.
Started out with Trigger my lab, in a walk in area. It was a small piece of property also with beans surrounding a cattail Slough. It produced one (dead) rooster. We moved on to another walk in. It was fairly good-sized, with a nice meandering draw all the way down it surrounded by cut corn (it looked good). But produced nothing. Moved on to another walk in. Fairly good-sized surrounded by beans on two sides. Water and c r p on the other two sides. Trigger found two roosters in the grass/cattails on the bean side. Killed them both. Saw two hens and another rooster. Scouted the rest of the day. So the second day we saw two hens and 4 roosters while hunting. Three more while scouting. Total 7.
Sunday, started out with Moe in a WPA. It had a small patch of cut corn then a little grassy fence line. Then a real thin grassed area and a little grassy fence line and corn again. The best way to describe it is kind of a u-shaped with cut corn on each side. Right before we get to the first grassy fence line, Moe winds some birds but doesn't go on point just made a big circle out in the grass behind.I was surprised but I wasn't going to let them run off. So briskly headed over to the fence line, and jump two roosters and a hen. Killed both roosters. Rounded them up and moved on. When we got to the other side of the thin (and I mean thin) grass, downwind of the grassy fence line. Moe winds some birds and goes on point, and I thought okay here we go. Just after that thought he breaks and runs right through the middle of five hens. Which made it real easy to turn this into a teachable moment. We had a little come-to-jesus meeting and made a beeline back to the truck. He heard about how bad a boy he was all the way back to the truck. Two roosters and a hen got up for no reason about a 120 yards from us in some cattails on the way to the truck.We left and headed to another walk in that I had found the day before. Triggers turn, Moe was in the dog house. Cut corn surrounding a cattail Slough. The cattail Slough came to a point, and we approach from that end. As soon as we got to the point it erupted with hens, one rooster finally got up at long distance. Preceded on and finally got up a rooster within range and connected. Guessing 11 hens and three roosters, seen on that piece of property. Total 25 birds.
Decided to hunt a WPA that I've hunted for years. It's a big piece of property surrounded by beans this year. Wanted to give Moe a chance to redeem himself, so he got the start. Hunted quite a while and had smelled nothing but he finally found a rooster on the edge of some willows. Great point and hold everything was perfect. I flushed the rooster shot him and he rolled up fine in some cattails. Moe goes to retrieve him, and a decent Buck runs out of The cattails we had a few seconds of deer chasing (he loves to chase deer) I got him back to hunting dead and we never found this bird, he must have run. Good dog bad shooter my goodness how the rolls can change! We proceeded on. This piece of property has water that we use kind of as a blocker. Moe goes on point again by some willows, this time I'm on the wrong side of the willows and the rooster flies off the way we are going(I think we find him again). The next set of cattails Moe points a rooster and I kill him, Finally a dead rooster. He points a hen, then finds another rooster in some willows it slips out from us but flies up to another thicket, he doesn't escape this time. We're at the far end of the property so we head back the truck through some grass and Moe finds a rooster and a hen in the grass it's pretty thin we point and stock a couple times before we get too close and the rooster and hen get up and I kill him. Moe and I learned a lot this day, best day of the trip. I think we saw 10 birds total.

Tuesday, our last day.
I was getting pretty tired, and wanted to get on the road by noon ish. We started the day on a WPA. Water cattails and cut corn, surrounded three sides beans on the other. Trigger and I got to the first set of willows, and I was on the wrong side as always (at least this trip). Flushed two roosters and two hens, no shots fired. Proceeded on and Trigger was birdie so I think we were pushing one that decided to run, finally got it up and it was a rooster and killed him. Time was running short and we had to go back by the truck to hunt the rest of the property. So I decided to let Moe hunt the last hour. We found our last rooster and a hen at the back of the property. Moe had a good point and I made a good shot and we headed back to the truck. Total that day 7 birds.

Total on the trip I think we laid eyes on 59 birds total (not sure my math above works out we saw a few while driving around). I think bird numbers are down a little bit in the area I was hunting. Overall I had a really good time, the South Dakota people sure are friendly.
I do appreciate the opportunity to go to South Dakota and Chase these wild roosters. I hope this isn't too long, if it is sorry.