RE:Thoughts on this past season


RE:Thoughts on this past season

Kansas and it's fine folks helped me get back to what truly makes me happy this year. I was battling a pretty severe bout of depression when I went, and oddly enough, after two days scaring roosters, I was cured! Pretty simple really. Lookin' back, I guess it really IS that what makes you happy. That being said, for me, life boils down to the three F's....Feathers, Fins, and...........Makin' Love!!!

Hehe, later taters,

That's odd, I get depressed AFTER the hunting season is over... :D

Just kidding, I know where you're coming from - I'm waiting on the fins now, although more feathers will probably be in the forecast first (turkeys!)... :thumbsup:
Sooner ahmen brother. Maybe it is time for all to get our minds straight. Be happy no matter what your doing.
Wildcat, crappie are biting now on Lake Of The Ozarks. come on over. I need a sucker to clear about 20 feet of ice so my boat floats. Bring a Kansas boat cause my missouri boat is to weak.
Kansas and it's fine folks helped me get back to what truly makes me happy this year. I was battling a pretty severe bout of depression when I went, and oddly enough, after two days scaring roosters, I was cured! Pretty simple really. Lookin' back, I guess it really IS that what makes you happy. That being said, for me, life boils down to the three F's....Feathers, Fins, and...........Makin' Love!!!

Hehe, later taters,


I get the same way man. Spent some $ on counseling, sobered up, then told my boss I simply wasn't working everyday of the coming year. Things are already looking up.

Come on back next year! We'll spend more time in the milo next time. I've said I would for the past several years, the pointing dog lover in me drives me back to the grass frequently. I had several good points in the milo on the hot days last season, so if the weather is the same during early season next year, I'm really gonna spend more time hunting the milo.
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thought for a second there it was coming from an old timer who remembers reading those magazines

dang- someone who's young and full of all the