
I was wondering if anyone has had any contact with rattlesnakes as they were working there dogs. I have heard some stories but they were all second handed stories.
Not with the dog but we have had to blow a few up last year dove hunting, there is a class being held on snake avoidance at the I.S.E but thats not until january.
I went out dove hunting on opening day last year along the river north of Brush. On my walk out I crossed paths with a local farmer. He said I had quite the balls bringing my dog out here. He said that this is the worst time of year for rattlesnakes! The thought had never even crossed my mind!
Last year was the first year that I've encountered rattlers out east (in about 15 years of dove hunting). We were shooting doves south of Roggen and ran into 4 or 5. I didn't have my new pup at the time but my buddy immedietely put his lab back in the truck. I am no longer so complacent.
rattles are just like any other snake. they want to be left alone...walk careful and keep your eyes right. They wont bite you unless you about step on them and they will usually rattle before that.

If anyone has any snake questions just let me know. I have housed snakes for 10 years and currently have 2 snakes over 12ft.

I heard about a vet who stated that he had used more antivenom this year than he has ever used in any year he has been a vet. Again this could be hear say as I did not talk to the vet are know who he is but I do plan on talking to my vet here. I do know that the antivenom is pretty high as I have a friend whoes GSP got bit over 15 years ago in Arizona and it cost him right at $500. I understand there is a shot you can give your pup prior to getting to the vet to help his chances of survival after being bit. Has anyone else heard of this.
I wish I had kept the info. A Preserve club up north here brought up a guy for snake training. He had several rattlers that were de-fanged prior to the event and would introduce your dog to rattlers. Had a very clean record of no snake bit dogs during this training. I think it was around 100 bucks, but it is well worth it if your hunting during these times when the snakes are still out!! If any one is interested , I can e-mail him and ask him his name!!!! Bleu
That was probably at Quail Run pheasant preserve in Kiowa, I was there for the training with a friend whoes dog went through the training. The guy was from Texas and had a couple rattlers, matter of fact the weather was a little cool so he used a hair dryer to "activate" or charge up the snakes. It sure worked.
I belong to the Colorado Gun Dog Club and they brought up the snakes from Texas for the snake avoidence training weekend in June. They hold it every year so check them out on line next Spring. I brought my dog through it, but have not come across any snakes since. Some sware by it, some have to repeat the class (just like high school) but it was reasonable $ 55/dog. I just hunt after it gets cold.