Raising money for the birds


New member
So I was thinking of a great way to raise money for your favorite upland bird (or any game animal for that matter). Each of you would designate a dollar figure that you are willing to donate for every bird shot during the course of the season. So, if said I would donate $10/pheasant and I shot 10 pheasants this season, I would donate $100 to pheasants forever. You could do this with pheasants, quail, geese, ducks, ect., and then donate to your favorite organization (Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, ect.) Think about how much money could be raised!

Whast do you all think? Who's willing to jump on board?
I've duck hunted w/ guys that send $5 to Delta Waterfowl for every hen they shoot. My suggestion, for those willing to send money for each rooster shot, and for those that hunt WIHA, would be to send their donations to KDWP in care of the WIHA program. WIHA donations are put directly into the WIHA leasing fund to help the state acquire more acreage. $10 per bird shot on WIHA land would eventually lead to a great deal of KS private land becoming accessible to the average Joe.

I might have to come up with something for those who hunt in my group???????

That's a good idea Chadsbritt. I doubt many would actually do it, but good idea.
Great idea Chadsbritt. How about doubling the amount for birds hit but not recovered. Tax deductable if I recall correctly and goes to a good cause. Being a poor shot it wont affect me too much.