

New member
Well It happened Rain and lots of if very fast. We got an inch in 35 minutes at my house. Thats great.I hope that outer part of the city get 2 or more inches to fill the bone dry stock pond. Flash flood warning are in affect, for the rest of the night. Quail chicks now have a fighting chance. Thank God, we did not get any Quarter size hail, that the weather people, predicted.:)
That's good to hear Jmac. As you mentioned hopefully it give those chicks the means to survival. I guess you'll know this fall.

We finally got some rain out here last night and today. Nothing big though.

I'm not too concerned about our chicks right now. Shallow ponds and creeks are drying up but there's still water out there.

One area I looked at last weekend had me jumping for joy.:) The pheasants have the soil between hedgerows and the first two rows of corn torn up from dusting and pecking/digging. Rooster, hen, and chick tracks in the dirt with feathers left behind.:thumbsup: It's been a long time since I've seen so much activity around here.

I could hear the little buggers scattering in the shrubs in one section too.:thumbsup: All good.
I hope you all get some much needed rain. I know you all need it dearly. All that rain last night, and now the fricking humidity is sky high. Sunny high of 102, feels like 112. So much for it just being a dry heat.:D
I hope you all get some much needed rain. I know you all need it dearly. All that rain last night, and now the fricking humidity is sky high. Sunny high of 102, feels like 112. So much for it just being a dry heat.:D

We have the same heading our way (again!) tomorrow.:(

Man, I can't wait for fall!!!
We got a dump yesterday . . . and a huge lightning show. Amazingly, no fires; I imagine the rain put them out as soon as the strike hit. There were reports of quarter-sized hail, but thankfully it missed my place. As hot as it's been for 2 weeks, it felt good to wander around in the rain.
We have the same heading our way (again!) tomorrow.:(

Man, I can't wait for fall!!!

Same here. 100 plus humid. 110 heat index air warnings etc. It sucks.!!! gettin old. Hard to come home after work and expect to get any thing done. I just can't physically do it. Dang kennel building is ready to frame and just can't do it. I can walk in the concrete rooms though and picture what it will look like when it cools off a bit, LOL.
Every little front that goes through MN dumps rain on us, more last night
Been way to wet to put up hay:confused:
Corn is 8 ft tall and pollinating like crazy. HOT plus WET crops here are great.

Usually we are in the dry part of MN. Go figure.:confused:
I hope you all get some much needed rain. I know you all need it dearly. All that rain last night, and now the fricking humidity is sky high. Sunny high of 102, feels like 112. So much for it just being a dry heat.:D

gets any more humid i'm going to sit by a bonfire to cool off with dry heat
We finally got some rain in NE South Dakota last night. On TV this morning they said .20" in Watertown but north of here they got more. Aberdeen supposedly received 1.50" and someone reported from Webster they had 5" in their rain gauge. Probably a little too late for some crops but we'l take it.
seems too wet or too dry everywhere.
We're on the dry end of it. I cannot tell you the last time its rained here. weeks and weeks, months maybe. Its bad.
Like mentioned earlier its hard to come home from work and get anything done outside as its not going below 90 until after dark. I have garage projects piling up as a result. Dogs hate this weather too
I always find it weird to hear you guys speak of rain in the summer. We usually get our last rain in late April/ early May and then dont see it again until sometime in October. Irrigation is king in these parts and water is treated as a comodity not a natural resource. You guys should see all the corn around here, can't remember ever seeing so much in my life.