Puppy Pics

I can only imagine how excited you are right now. They are adorable pups and seem to have all the genes to be set up for success. Are Blitz and Nittany both viszlas? I don't know too much about viszlas, do they have similar hunting styles and personalities to weimaraners?
Nittany and Blitz are both vizslas. I've never seen a weim hunt, so I can't compare them. Most vizslas are medium range working dogs but there are some field trial lines that will run bigger. Vizslas are called velcro dogs because they need to be part of the family. They will lay on you when they are not running around. Vizslas don't make good dogs if you plan to keep them in an outside kennel. They need to be part of the family. They are a great breed but they aren't for everybody.
The puppies are now 6 weeks old and Champ will soon be coming home. I think we'll be getting the puppy with the blue collar (I think he's the 5th pup in the picture link below). I just found out that the dam's mother is now a dual champion since she finished off her field title in December. I'm really excited about this little guy!

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Your family must be getting ready for their new member. Hey... it's going to be tough for that little guy to live up to Nittany and Blitz!
Champ should be ours on Jan. 24th. The breeder plans to fly with him from TX to DC and then rent a car to drive to our house and deliver him to us. So, in just over a week we'll have a little pup in the house. His mother is running in a field trial this weekend. She must have bounced back pretty well after having the litter.
The breeder is certainly going the extra step to get this done. Do you think Champ will see some action this fall?
She certainly is. She'll fly in on Saturday and go home on Sunday. It will give her a chance to see the breeder she got her dogs from since she is in VA.

Champ will get introduced to birds this spring and I'll hunt him close to home next fall. He'll be one in November but I'll probably keep him away from the gamelands on the weekends. I'll take him to a preserve as well to get him some bird contacts. A lot will depend on how he progresses. I don't want to push a young dog and create a problem that could be prevented.