I get a lot of requests for started dogs. As we saw in a thread here at one time. no one is too definitive on what started means. A one year old Pudelpointer, if it came from me, would be as good a swimmer as it ever would be, have one season under it's belt and be finding, pointing and retrieving birds. Possibly it would have already been NAVHDA Natural Ability tested. It will have been exposed to a lot of birds and time in the field and water, but not steady to wing and shot in most cases.
The next question is how much does one charge for such an animal? That would depend on how much I liked it!(and had in it $wise). I have not done it per se. I think some pups get in "started dog" positions (all breeds) because they do not reach the expectations of the owner or trainer, lack of prey drive perhaps the most common, or they may be a little soft in training. Does not mean the dog would not be perfect for someone else, but proceed with caution. I do not think you will find many started Pudelpointers as there are not enough to go around the way it is, but I am familir with 2-3 over the last 26 years of familiarity with the breed.
Having said all that, I am looking towards retirement and perhaps starting more dogs!
Four pups from last years litters tested to date--NA 112,112, 108 and 103 scores.