Protocol on splitting up the birds?


So, a few of us are going out tomorrow and we're hunting behind my dog. My wife asked me an interesting question: "How do you guys split up the birds you get?".

I told her we each would likely take the same number of birds we shot. If I got one and one of the other guys got three, that's how many we'd each put in our respective freezers.

She doesn't think that's fair, given that without my dog, the other guys wouldn't be getting as many (or any) birds...

I'm not really concerned about it - I'll have plenty of birds in the freezer by the end of the season any way we cut it, but it does raise an interesting question: Do the non-dog-owners in a hunting party "owe" anything to the guys that bring the dogs? After all, there's a lot of time & money put into a good field dog...

What do you all think? Have you run into this question?
What ever hunter's shot is the one that knocks the bird outta the sky gets the bird. If your concerned about it being fair don't take anybody else with you.
If both everyone has their own dogs and they all work together then all the birds should be devided between all the hunters... that has always worked well for me and my hunting partners...
What ever hunter's shot is the one that knocks the bird outta the sky gets the bird. If your concerned about it being fair don't take anybody else with you.

As mentioned in my post, I've always gone the "You shot it, your bird" route. It's never really crossed my mind to handle it any other way until my wife asked. So I thought I'd toss it out there, making it understood that I'm not concerned, and that I was just fielding a question to see how other folks went about it.
The guys I hunt with have always just split the birds up evenly, 3 guys, 9 birds, equal 3 birds each. If it does equate out evenly we don't worry about it to much, kind of remember who got what on the last hunt and if it comes up uneven the next time we give the extra bird to the one who got shortchanged last time. Some times you have an off day and can not hit the broadside of a barn, or at least I have days like that:), and of course none of you guys have them, anyway when I or one of the other guys have an off day, you still have some birds to take home. Just the way we do it.
We always split evenly and if theres an odd number that one goes to the guy with the dog...or the most kids to feed. :D
The person who shoots a bird 30 feet away gets that bird. You shoot it you own it up to your daily limit. Some birds get doubled on- there's never a problem. Someone extra gets the dogs more work sometimes.
I can see sharing some birds, but why the hell would you give them all away? Maybe your a vegetarian? Man, I'm on the pheasant diet and loving it. I eat pheasant just about every day during the season.
Well as someone kinda said I at least try to keep the birds I shot because I don't blast them off the gun barrel anymore, been there done that. I don't like getting someone elses birds. Other wise we would split up birds evenly you can't take home more than a limit anyway which is 2 here till dec. then 3.
dont like them

Why wouldnt i give them away i dont like them just like hunting them i dont hunt for food price chopper right down the road lots of times i just take pics of guys behind my dog and dont even shoot love the dog work!
As long as the birds don't go to waste its his decision, besides most of the fun comes from the passion for the dogs. There are several guides that just run a dog or shoot some birds for guys that don't take em home, some times if I get two and a partner doesn't I will give him mine. i don't have to eat birds every day. After all they say you are what you eat, must be why I like cool cats so much. :D
Why wouldnt i give them away i dont like them just like hunting them i dont hunt for food price chopper right down the road lots of times i just take pics of guys behind my dog and dont even shoot love the dog work!

I got no problem with this. I give away quite a few of my birds to. As long as they are not being wasted who cares who eats them. It is kinda like giving a deer to HUSH.
Split up equally

We have always divided the birds up evenly. After all, pheasant hunting is a group effort. Without a blocker and a pusher, nobody would get many birds. The guy down in the thick stuff who can't even shoot deserves as many birds as the guy blocking with the easy shots.
Also, if you wouldn't be willing to give all your birds to your hunting partners, you aren't hunting with the right people.
if you shot it it's yours

Me and the guys I hunt with usually go with the "you shot it, it's yours" rule until someone reaches a limit. As soon as a limit is reached then the guy with his limit is there for support and only shoots if he is the only one with a shot. At that point the guy with the fewest birds (or none) gets the bird.

My field bred Cocker, Barney, is very capable of trapping a pheasant and I make it a hard and fast rule that if MY dog traps a rooster then the rooster is MINE (unless I have my limit then the guy with the fewest birds gets it).

a round of applause for boykin your welcome to hunt with me any day i will show you how a big time bird dog works!Trust me i have primo land i like your style my man lol
No need to fight over birds. I'll give them all away to the guys without dogs, and go get some more. No problem when you have a dog. Most of the time the guys without dogs only want a few and I end up with the lions share any wase.
Whoever has the shot takes the bird, and party hunting works well. Not that it really matters at the end of the day, they all get cleaned and everybody eats.
Wow, I am surprised how open, varied, and widespread the practice of "pooling" is. Perhaps I am misinterpreting, but it certainly seems as if anyone shooting more than the daily bag limit is in violation of the game laws, regardless of how many are in the hunting party. I'm interested in knowing whether there are any wardens/conservation agents within UPH membership, and would like to get their views on this topic. I realize you wouldn't be able to speak for all law enforcement officials, but how do you deal with pool hunting?

As to the original question - IMHO, the dog owner does not get "extra" simply because he owns the dog. It is reward enough for me to have my dogs put up birds for those without a canine partner.