Private Access

besides, i am the most friendly, lovable, helpful person on this forum and the only thing i have ever been given or told is to get lost. lot's of luck to ya


:cheers: such a lovable guy!
This whole thread has gotten completely out of hand. It was never my intent to step on toes or horn in on someones hunting spot. Seems as though this is viewed like a lake naming thread on a duck hunting forum. Never the intent. Yall have fun.

Had no problem with your post. Best of luck finding some good hunting this season.
BDK from my experience hunting KS for turkeys i think you rubbed the majority of the KS resident hunters on the forum wrong & me a non resident hunter by offering up $$$ for somebodys private land access...

in talking to many locals who hunt from taxidermists to mechanics to the local grocery boy to bar tenders to other hunters in the area of NW KS i hunt none of them looked very favorable upon PAY TO PLAY hunting or leases or locals who charge for hunting access... they have the old school feelings of we never had to PAY B4 to hunt why would we PAY to do so now???

also in that area there was alot of WIHA & the GOOD WIHAs are going bye bye more & more as the hunting lease boys or hunting guides come in & lease the WIHAs out from under the state of KS & all of us who enjoy PUBLIC LAND HUNTING FOR FREE for just a little more $$$ then the state payed the land owner the yr prior...

my father is 62 has battled throat cancer & has to breath with a treceoscopy he also has a pace maker & defib due to heart issues & he still hunts 100% fair chase public lands & walks for his harvetsed game & cant imagine having to PAY TO PLAY i dont know ur medical issues BDK but i do wonder if they are worse then my old mans who has no need to PAY other 2 hunt???

i think your best bet for your dogs & your style of hunting pay $$$ would be go to SD or a KS controlled shooting area you will get your dogs on birds 4 sure & you will have a area all lined up prior to you leaving home...

im sure you choose KS so you dont have to travel very far from OK but you will have to travel farther then KS to get on good wild pheasant hunting BDK SD is your best bet & if you need area lined up B4 you leave SD is also ur best bet im sure u can find a great hunt in SD its the pheasant capital...
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BDK I can't really help you out, I know no one who charges for access. The only thing I can come up with is maybe calling a few Alcos, speaking with the manager and seeing if you could email a flyer for them to hang on their bulletin board.

I didn't find anything offensive in your post.

don't get too down about it, most of us are just bored and most of our so called hot spots really aren't except for sometimes and many of them were years ago. one thing for sure you won't shoot many staying home or just riding around. pick an area that has quite a few walk in properties as use them as a base and start from there. just do it

I started a thread to help you out, sheesh, what more do you want?

I think part of the adventure is to find your own places and scratch down your own birds. So many folks just want it easily done for them.

Quick story, a buddy comes down every year, or use to, from Ohio to hunt. The first year here, he walked tons, found some decent spots and found some crappy spots. He kept track of the good ones and managed to shoot few birds, if any.
As time progressed, and he and I and another guy became good friends, we took him on quite a few private spots and such and he was able to get into some birds. He always went back to "his" spots and were able to find birds as well. Fast forward to last year, and how bad it was.
He went to his spots, and they were barren. Nothing. Drought and such took their toll. It really broke his spirit I think. We offered to take him to some spots, but he didn't want to go. So, I think that there is something to be said about finding your own spots. A bit more rewarding and exciting. I still like to go to new spots and scout and such, even though I have places I can go where I know there are birds. Sometimes. :)

old spots are great but new spots are exciting, problem with old spots is that what to ya do if they are in crop rotation, go find a new hot spot. one thing that my years in kansas has shown, some places always have birds, maybe the next section over cause of crop planting but alway in the area, and some places for whatever the reasons rarely have birds in any kinda year, might be sprays, just never figured it out, asked the dogs, they just shook their heads

I would like to try and explain this thread for you Mr. Nichols. No hard feelings just a reasonable explanation.

First post:
I have hunted pheasants in Kansas many times but not in the last five years. I have two young labs that I would like to get on some wild birds this year. I know the numbers are way down and that is the reason for seeking some private access. Area is not a big factor but west or north west would be better. I am not asking for something for nothing but just need access to some good habitat. I don't mind to pay a little but I do not need lodging or meals just a place to hunt. I have always been able to gain access by knocking on doors but would like to have something already set up this year before I leave if possible. It would most likely be just me and the dogs but I might bring my son or sil. I am looking to hunt Thanksgiving or later. Any help or leads would be appreciated. Loyd Nichols

This is very pleasant and respectable post. I give you extra credit for signing it with your full name. A lot of people like to hide behind their alias on these types of forums. The issue that many active UPHers took with this post is that it was your first post. We get really tired of people googling "pheasant hunting in _____________" showing up on UPH and trying to get "the inside scoop". It's a pet peeve of many members. Had you joined up a few months back, shared a few stories about you and your dog, bs'd about some guns and built a few relationships on the site your post would have been pretty well received. You would have probably got a PM or three with some good information.

Second post:
For the first reply thanks I will look into it. For the second reply thanks also but I would really like to get them on some wild birds. For the third and fourth lets just say that a man that has put in more miles behind a dog than most is by no fault of his own not physically able to put in the miles it take on public land to find birds, is his money not welcome in Kansas anymore. If you figure fuel, out of state license, motel, food and everything else the few birds found in 3-4 days are probably worth about $100 each anyway. If I really thought that most people in Kansas felt that way I would make dang sure that I had a full tank of fuel before leaving Oklahoma so I could make it to Nebraska before needing more. Again thanks for the first two replies and if I don't come up with anything then I will just continue north.

I will admit that the tone of the first four responses to you were not overly warm and welcoming. This being mostly due to the fact that it was your first post. Had you ended your second post "... Public land to find birds" this thread would not have erupted as it did. For the most part you seemed to condemn Kansas and its residents quite quickly here. Nobody really likes to hear people from out of state bad mouth their state. Your aggressive response triggered many others to ratchet up their posts.

I am sorry that your first experience on our forum was unpleasant. I do hope that you will stay around. We do get along on here fairly well.
Jakeismydog summed that up very nicely for you guys. You should not take offense in any way, he actually put some thought, time, and effort into helping you (albeit in a different way that your original request). Point being, follow his advice and your inbox will be busy this time next year as members take their annual scouting trips. Many of us share very specific information via PM this time of year, but if most are like me, they only want to know and seldom act on the information they're given.

I was very naive when I first started posting on the forum. At 16 years old I'd decided I wanted to hunt an area with more birds! My buddy and I borrowed his mom's minivan and drove all over W KS one August. We found loads of birds, picked a spot for our opener, then went and limited on our first "DIY" opener......I've experienced FEW things in life more rewarding than finding my own places and doing well at them. Based on that knowledge, I ASSumed all other upland hunters were the same; that is, they all find the same satisfaction in finding their own places. Eventually I learned that is not true for everyone. That is when my attitude about sharing information or "helping" did a 180.

Good luck to all of you this season. Enjoy the good times and well....make the best of the slow days:cheers:
Well stated KB:cheers:

Hope your dad has a pleantiful harvest. I heard the Milo is looking good back home.

Kick'em Up!
Well stated KB:cheers:

Hope your dad has a pleantiful harvest. I heard the Milo is looking good back home.

Kick'em Up!

Thanks, but dad isn't out there anymore. He decided he wanted to spend more time w/ the grand-kids, so he moved back to this side of the state.

I went out there to pick up his old truck last week. The milo did look pretty good, but of course the bird situation is said to be very grim.

Good luck this season!
jakeismydog2 & kansasbrittany summed it up really well BDK stick around & im sure things will turn around there are some really really nice & helpful people on this site once you get to know them...

good luck & happy hunting this season wear ever you may end up...
Thanks, but dad isn't out there anymore. He decided he wanted to spend more time w/ the grand-kids, so he moved back to this side of the state.

I went out there to pick up his old truck last week. The milo did look pretty good, but of course the bird situation is said to be very grim.

Good luck this season!

Thanks KB,

Glad your dad is close to the grandkids now. Wish my boys could have meet their Grandpa