Praire Storm

You do know what this means don't you? They will probably stop makeing the PF load. I will go to Walmart tomorrow and buy a few cases of PF cause it is only a matter of time.

Looking at Federals website I would have to say they are crap anyway because they do not make them in 20ga.
I guess that I am a little sceptical, but I have never used it either. Do you really need flight stopper pellets? Has anyone used these of ducks and what have your results been.

Besides if they drop dead and the dogs don't have to run them down how are they suppose to get their exercise.
I had a box of Black Cloud in 1oz #3's w/flightstopper steel shot that I used on WPA's this past season. I think I shot 2 birds with them. Granted these were steel flightstopper pellets, but to be honest I couldn't tell the difference from my pet lead loads.
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I think they will continue to make the PF load and the PS load will just be another option. I imagine the PS will cost a little more. I'm definately going to test them. You would have to look at the gelatin to see if the flight stopper pellets make a difference and then test to see how they pattern.
A variety of reasons pheasants are knocked down and lost. With loads like the federal pf, and fiocchi golden pheasant on the market I don't think 1 of the reasons is that there isn't capable loads on the market. These loads might pattern tighter, and do more damage when they strike a bird but I fail to see how thats a good thing. I prefer a pattern I can influence with a choke, the flight control wad has been known to pattern similiar in a variety of choke. I don't want a tight pattern most the time.

With all that said curiousity will probably get the best of me and I'll buy a box just to try out. If nothing else they might make a good fall turkey load.
I would suspect they will run $20-$25 a box for starters, my issue is if it patterns so well at 40 yards- what about shorter distances like 25 yards. If it is really tight I can see it blowing up a lot of birds at shorter distances.