Praire Chickens anyone?


Active member
Wondering if anybody's seeing any prairie chickens this year? Last year seemed like they were everywhere, even in Ne Kansas. My girls had them pointed and held to flush 5 times, including a 20 bird covey from a hedgerow, never fired a shot, because they were thinking hen pheasant. We spent the off season on bird I.D. !!! We did finally get a pointed and shot turkey, after a whiff last year. Dogs had a merry chase, 12 pound turkeys hold a lot of lead, when your throwing 2.5 " 7/8ths ounce loads of copper 6's. Downside is the dogs are now serious turkey hunters!
I seen several large flocks of prairie chickens this year. I think if anything their numbers will continue to increase, due to the fact that it seems (at least in my opinion) that you just run into the flocks by accident, or coincidence.
in eastern KS if the ranchers in the Flinthills would not burn every year Cassoday would still be the chicken capital of the world.I remember when I was a kid flocks of 100's where not uncommon
Population seems to be improving around here. Seen more this year than in the past & been hearing more people talking about them.