I chased them wild pheasant more last year than i ever have before. Many many weekends we were lucky to see birds at all. I will say that where we did see birds if you got more than 5 miles away from that spot you didnt see anything. It all did pay off on new years eve and day. We got into a couple locations where i havent seen that many birds in my life. I just started hunting about 6 yrs ago so i havent seen the good ol days like a lot of you. The guy i hunt with did say at one location he has never seen that many flush from one location in all his years(30+yrs). So many birds the sky turned black on new years morning. I was blocking field one and couldnt keep my gun loaded fast enough. Shot three should of limited out and sat in the truck. Next field we walked down to a corner and my buddy wasnt ready for what was next. 30+ pheasant all flushed right above him. Looked like elmer fud out there. More screaming and profanity than i have ever heard. And he didnt know one down. Needless to say we are heading out there on opening day this year. Hoping some of them were able to survive the drout and extreme heat. Been talking with some farmers in the local area and it doesnt sound good. But hey neither did last year. Good hunting boys a lil over a month out.