Poachers... The rest of the story.

kick them up

Active member
Well, I spoke to the Game Warden a week ago and it looks like we got enough evidence that the courts are going after my unwanted guests from last fall for Criminal Hunting.

It was good to know that doing the right thing the right way is paying off.:) They said the would contact me if I am needed to testify.

Now my question is will their friend & family come back for retribution?:eek:

Maybe I will be able to turkey hunt in without intruders.

Kick'em Up!
Yes. Be careful and do not let your guard down. Some just don't think rationally. Remember the WI deer hunter. Most know what their doing, they just think playing stupid will give them rights to what ever they want to do.
no worries I have my trusty CZ Custom L Compact on my hip at all times. :D

I am heading up to the farm this weekend to prep for a controlled burn and start measuring for a fence. I will see if there has been any traffic on the cameras.
Sometimes doing the right thing takes time in these situations, and can cost you a season of hunting. But better that than an altercation and losing a life. Hope the outcome is favorable. Too bad they can't pay restitution to you the land owner!
Better play it safe and have a Glock 19 on that hip. :D

I bet you will be fine without any issues. Glad to hear that things are going your way on that deal.